Wookie Rescue

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David and I walked into the main control room of the ship, seeing Hera at the pilot's seat. She turned and smiled at us, "Welcome aboard our ship. Again to you Eliza and you are....."

"David," he said.

"David," Hera turned back to the controls and David and I each took a seat. 

"Thanks you, Hera" I said, looking at Hera. "I honestly didn't think you guys would come for me."
"It was your brother," Hera said, smiling. "He refused to let us keep going until we went back for you. Your parents raised you two well."

"When they did," I mumbled, looking away. David glanced at me and then looked at Hera, who had the same concerned look. Soon the doors opened and everybody filed in. Ezra came running in and, as soon as he saw me, gave me a hug.

"They didn't do anything to you, did they?" he asked. I laughed, "No, they didn't."

"Who's the little shrimp?" David asked standing up from his seat. Ezra glared at him and I stood in between them, saying, "David, this is my younger brother, Ezra. Ezra, this is David. He was prisoner on the same ship I was."

"How do you know we can trust him?" Ezra asked.

"I don't," I said. David acted very surprised and hurt, but I said, "But nobody should be a prisoner to the Empire if they were standing up against them."

David shrugged his shoulders, agreeing with the statement more or less. Everybody took there seats, and Ezra, David and I stood in the back. "I know where they're really taking the Wookies," I said, catching everybody's attention. "Have you guys heard of the spice mines of Kessel?"

Everybody flinched and Sabine said, "Slaves sent there survive a few months, maybe a year."

"And for Wookies, born in the forest, it's a death sentence," Hera said, sounding upset and angry.

"Well then I guess we better go get them," I commented. I bent over to start untying the bandage on my ankle. I know it wasn't entirely healed yet, but I was going to need my whole staff in order to fight.

"'We?'" Sabine asked.

"We came this far, we might as well finish the job," Ezra said. I smiled at him and looked at David. He looked at me and nodded, agreeing with both Ezra and I. We all looked at Hera, who smiled and started putting in coordinates. "Setting a course to Kessel," she announced. Kanan then went over a quick plan on how to get the Wookies out of there. Once we had gone it over a couple times, we were set.

The skip came out of hyperspace and soon came to our destination. From the looks of it, it definitely was a desert, rocky sort of a place compared to what Wookies natural environment is like. We started diving down towards the planet, making it obvious that we were here. From the cargo hold, I could hear Hera blasting away. As we started getting close, I heard Zeb tell Ezra not to get killed. His face seemed to drop, and I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I got your back, always," I said. He smiled, and I felt the ship touch ground and the doors opened. Instantly, troopers were trying to shoot inside of the cargo hold. I gripped my staff and glanced at David, who looked determined. We all ran and jumped out, landing on the ground and ducking behind some crates. As we ducked behind the crate, Kanan looked at Ezra and I, nodding. We nodded back and I looked at David. He slammed his staff against the ground, activating his bow. He looked at me and nodded. Ezra and I slipped away as the others took the troopers attention.

We ducked behind crates and made it over to the prisoners. We walked into the group and one tall, dark Wookie started roaring. "We're here to help," I said calmly, as Ezra showed his lock pick. The Wookies talked among themselves and allowed Ezra to start freeing them one by one. The ones that were free started fighting against the storm troopers. One even picked one up and threw him down, knocking him out. Ezra and I walked between the Wookies to the others, smiling. They returned the smile but it was short.

The sound of Tie Fighters filled the air and we all turned around to see not just one, but three come up from the chasm and start shooting at the ship. The Phantom started shooting back and took down a tie fighter. But as soon as that fell, two more tie fighters came up and a much larger ship came up. It started blasting at us, and I looked at Ezra, only to get tackled by David.

"Stop standing there like an idiot!" he shouted.

"I wasn't!" I yelled, as he got off of me. We all looked up and saw that the skip had landed and a platform went down. On the platform, was agent Kallus and a group of storm troopers. "Take them down!" he shouted, as the storm troopers started charging and blasting their blasters. David grabbed my wrist and started pulling me away. I looked up in time to see a small Wookie, running away from the group being chased by a storm trooper. I wanted to run after them, but David had a strong grip on my wrist and wasn't going to let go. We ducked behind the crates just as Ezra said, "Care to let me in on the secret?"

"Kid, I'm about to let in on the secret to everybody," Kanan said, standing up. He stood up and walked past the crates. As he did, Agent Kallus raised a hand, ceasing the fire for a moment. Kanan then pulled out the two pieces of the light saber he had taken apart earlier. He put them together and turned the light saber on. He held it out, pointing the blade at Kallus, and held it up like a sword. Everybody was shocked, except our little group minus David, who knew he had that weapon.

"Focus your fire on...on the Jedi," Kallus said, still shocked at the truth of what Kanan is. As he fought and deflected the blasts, Hera came back around with the ship and landed on top of one of the cargo crates. As Kanan deflected the blasts, he yelled, "Time to go!"

"Right. Everyone into the container!" Zeb said. As he started bringing the Wookies into the container, the one large dark Wookie started struggling against Zeb, even though he was hurt. I looked at the direction he was going and saw the little Wookie still running away from the trooper. I shook my head and started chasing after the Wookie. Ezra looked up and saw that I was running and started following me. Zeb yelled after us, but we were already long gone.

Ezra and I ran, chasing the trooper that was leading the young Wookie onto a narrow platform. "Ez! Swing and hit!" I shouted. Ezra pulled back his electric magnetic slingshot and released a sphere of the energy in the air. I swung my staff, aiming at the storm trooper. It hit him and he fell over into the chasm.

"Gotcha!" Ezra shouted as I ran over to the Wookie. Ezra unlocked the cuffs on the young Wookie and we turned to leave but stopped. Agent Kallus was in front of us, holding a blaster at us. I stood in front of Ezra, as he stood in front of the young Wookie. I held my staff, ready to deflect anything he shot at us.

"It's over for you, Jedi," he said, pointing the gun at me. "A master and two apprentices, such a rare find these days."

"I don't know where you get your delusions bucket head," Ezra yelled from behind me. "We work alone."

"Not anymore!" we all heard. We looked to our left and saw the Phantom come up and Kanan standing on it, holding his light saber. Kallus started shooting at Kanan, but he deflected one of the blasts that hit Kallus and he fell over the railing.

"Jump now!" Kanan shouted. Ezra jumped first, and the Wookie climbed onto my back. I placed my staff behind me to keep him secure and leaped over the railing, landing on the Phantom. Once we landed on the Phantom, we went through a door on the Phantom that led to the rest of the ship. We made it to the cargo hold, where the Wookies were. The young Wookie saw his dad and roared, rushing to him. The dad Wookie looked up and roared back, running to his son. They embraced and I couldn't help but smile. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw that Kanen was smiling at both Ezra and I. I glanced to my left and saw that David was smiling at the two Wookies. He looked up at me and nodded, smiling.

We did it. We brought some peace to a small family.


*I do not own anything except the Original Characters David and Eliza Bridger

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