Trust and Help

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"Eliza!" I heard David shout. I quickly sat up, and immediately regret it. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach region and curled a little, groaning. I felt a hand on my shoulder and David saying, "Take it easy. You're still healing."

"I know, I know," I said. "What is it?"

"Sabine wanted me to wake you up because the four of us and Hera are going to meet Fulcrum."

My eyes widen; wait what? "We're actually going to meet Fulcrum?" I asked, skeptically.

"We won't if you don't hurry up," David said, walking out of the room. I sat in bed, mentally checking my injury. For now, I was okay. I wouldn't be running around and blasting anything, so I should be okay.

I got out of bed and walked into the hallway. "So you're coming too?" I asked.

He nodded. "Hera wants me there in case your injury flares up again," he said, as he lead he way to the Phantom.

"I told her I'm fine," I mumbled.

"Well, after falling down last mission, she's just worried. Come on Eliza, you got to learn to lean on others."

I sighed and said, "Doing that is what nearly got me killed in the first place."

David raised an eyebrow but didn't question. He was probably one of the few people on this ship who didn't know Ezra and I's back story. But I wasn't in the mood to explain.

We boarded the Phantom and, once on, Hera detached from the Ghost and jumped to hyperspace. David and I sat down, waiting for landing so we weren't really paying much attention to Hera and Sabine's conversation.

"So," David asked. "What did you mean earlier by that comment?"

"David.....I don't want to talk about it," I said, hugging myself.

"Come on, you can trust me."

"Can I really?" I snapped.

David flinched at my comment and sighed. "How about I go first?" He said. I gave him a questioning look and he smiled saying, "I'll take that as a yes."

I rolled my eyes and leaned back, waiting to hear his story. David cleared his threat and said, "My parents.....grew up loyal to the Empire."

I was so shocked by this little bit of news I nearly fell out of my seat. David laughed but continued, "They tried to get me to be loyal to the Empire as well. But I saw the wrong it was doing and tried to persuade my parents to stop. They didn't listen. So....I ran away from home and snuck onto Empire ships, trying to free prisoners and steal goods. And then I bumped into you and been with this rebel group since."

"Wow," I said. "That must be terrible. Wait, so the whole thing about you being from the orphanage was a lie?"

David shrugged. "I...didn't fully trust you at the time. But now I do."

 I flinched slightly and nodded. "I get it. Man, it must've sucked to have them as parents."

"They weren't really the best parents. They only focused on their work for the glory of empire."

"'s better having parents who are alive."

"Are yours not?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know if they are. They did a secret radio broadcasting on Lothal to inspire people to fight the Empire. They were arrested and I haven't heard anything from them since. My brother and I were little when it happened and I had to grow up quickly in order to take care of my brother."

David stared at me for a moment before saying, "That's.....that's rough."

I nodded. Just then, we felt the ship jerk a little and we both knew that we had landed. We all got up and exited the ship. As we got off, we looked around the area. There was nobody else in sight and there was junk lying around everywhere. Red barrels stood at various areas around us and an open hanger was in front of us.

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