The Choice

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We all stood in the passage way between the Phantom, and the escort ship that was to take the Wookies to a safe location. As we stood there, saying good bye to the Wookies, the little kid Ezra and I helped earlier came over and hugged me. I was surprised at first because I wasn't expecting it, but I hugged the little Wookie back. I released the little Wookie and knelt on a knee, patting his head.

"You take care of yourself, okay?" I said. I wasn't too sure if the Wookie understood what I was saying, but seemed to understand what I meant, and nodded. He hugged me again, and ran to his dad, taking his paw in his. His dad turned to all of us and started talking in Wookie. Sabine listened, nodding to what he said and turned to us, saying, "Uh, he says if we're ever in trouble, the Wookies will always be willing to help."

We all smiled and Ezra stepped forward to the young Wookie and said, "Good luck, Kitwar. Try to stay out of trouble."

Kitwar with a Wookie growl and smile, and walked onto the ship with his father. I giggled and leaned my elbow onto Ezra's shoulder, saying, "Look who's talking, Ez."
He smiled and we turned to everybody, the truth coming back to us. "I guess you drop us back off on Lothal then?" I asked.

"Yeah," Zeb said, sounding sad. He quickly cleared his throat and said, "Finally right?" He then laughed and walked out of the room. The rest of us followed and Ezra, and I waited in the lobby of the ship, waiting for us to land on Lothal. The door opened and David walked in, looking a bit upset and a bit confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just," he said. "I don't have anywhere to go. I can't go back to where I was before. So really I have no place to go, and I highly doubt the crew on this ship will take me."

I glanced at Ezra. He had a look of disapproval, but I nodded, trying to convince him. He sighed and said, "David, we could....provide you a place to stay. Just for a short time though; you'll have to find your own place once we get back to Lothal."

He looked at Ezra, surprised by the offer. He turned to me, still unbelieving it. I smiled, "You would have to pull your own weight if you came with us, but we can provide a place until you find your own."

He smiled, and then said, "Thank you. I don't deserve it but thank you."

"Phantom landing," we heard Hera's voice over the intercom say. "Preparing for descent."

Ezra, David, and I got up and went to the cargo hold, waiting for the Phantom to land so we could get off. There was a slight bump as we landed and, once we were on the ground, the door to the cargo by opened and the three of us walked down the ramp. When we reached the bottom, Hera, Kanan, Zeb, Sabine and Chopper came out to bid us farewell. As Ezra was saying his farewells to Zeb, I turned to Sabine.

"Keep up the great artwork, Sabine," I said, smiling. "The Empire doesn't see it, but they sure do feel the impact of it."

She laughed and she placed a hand on my shoulder, saying, "I'll have to teach you sometime how to do some of those designs."

I nodded, "Next time."

Sabine went back into the ship and Ezra came back over. We were about to head out, when Kanan came to me and said, "I believe you have something of mine."

I laughed nervously, and pulled out the Holocron that was in my pocket. Ever since I somehow opened it, it had a new shape to it. I placed it in Kanan's hand and said, "Good luck saving the galaxy."

I then looked at Ezra and David, nodding. We all started heading to the old radio tower, leaving the rebel group behind with their ship. When we reached the tower, we got inside and went up the still working elevator. Once at the top, we walked around on the balcony, and went to the inside of the tower. It was still the same place Ezra and I had left it.

David looked around, fascinated by all of it. As Ezra explained the place to David, I couldn't help but think about the message in the holocron. Just then, I felt something, a familiar presence. Ezra must've felt it too, because he suddenly stopped mid-sentence when talking to David. I didn't need to turn because I knew he was there, but I asked, "What is the force?"

All of us turned towards Kanan, who was standing in the doorway to the tower. David seemed surprised, but Ezra and I felt his presence. He stepped forward and said, "The force is everywhere. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. and it's strong with you, Eliza and Ezra. Especially you, Eliza, or else you wouldn't have been able to open that holocron."

Ezra and I looked at Kanan surprised. David seemed to be following the conversation, but still had a confused look. I looked at Kanan in the eyes and said, "So what do you want?"

"I want to offer you three a choice," he said, walking into the tower. "You can keep the light saber you stole," he said this looking at Ezra, who seemed to be hiding his surprise and embarrassment. I'll have to talk to him later. "And just let it become another dusty souvenir. Or, you can give it back to me and come with us, come with me and be trained in the ways of the force. Although you don't have it David, you can still help us by learning how to fight. And as for you and Ezra, Eliza, I can teach you two what it truly means to be a Jedi."

I looked at Ezra and David, both of there faces with shock and indecisiveness. I turned back to Kanan and said, "I thought they wiped out all of the Jedi."

"Not all of us," he said, making his leave from the tower. He left the three of us there, thinking and debating our own thoughts. I turned to Ezra and held out my hand, "Give me the lightsaber."
He sighed and gave me the weapon. I took it and stared at it. The weapon of the Jedi; it really was interesting. In my hands, it felt light and could easily be manipulated like my staff, if the blade came out on both ends. I sighed and smiled, "Ezra, I think we know what we need to do."

"Eliza, are you sure?" he asked, looking at me with concern. I knew he was worried about us joining the rebels; he had always been a little selfish at times. but I just felt that this was what we need to do. It's something our parents would have wanted us to do.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said. I looked at David and said, "You in?"

He seemed to hesitate, but nodded. I smiled and, without saying anything to Ezra, we grabbed a few essential things from the tower. Once we had everything in our bags, I grabbed my staff and clipped the lightsaber to my utility belt and we all left the tower. We went quickly, for we were worried that they had already left. To our relief, they hadn't left yet, and to our surprise, the cargo ship was open. We all hesitated, but we walked in. Ezra and David waited out in the lobby while I went to Kanan's room.

I hesitated before pressing the button to open the door. I pressed it and the door opened, to show that Kanan was sitting in a chair, mediating it seems. He looked over at me and smiled, "So you decided?"

I nodded and said, "Ezra and David are waiting for you."

He nodded and got up. He led me back to the lobby, and called for everybody back into the lobby. Everybody was surprised but happy that we came back. I smiled.
I guess we found our home

*I own nothing except the Original Characters David and Eliza Bridger*

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