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Date: October 5th

Location: Eastchester Academy: 1st Floor: Hallway

POV: Dustin

I leaned against the lockers with my new homie Christian, talking to him, Dria, and a few of the other guys that hang out with Dria and Christian before our fourth period class. I guess you could say I was liked by everyone in the school, which was highly expected since I'm a pretty chill guy and a very cute one, according to the various girls that have flirted with me. Honestly, it felt good to be the new kid in school; everyone wants to know you, though I don't care if they do or not.

Speaking of girls, I checked out a few of the girls that go to this school, and they are crazy beautiful. I would've never expected them to put so many pretty girls into one school district. Currently, I have three crushes--or interests, so to say; Valentine, Kelendria, and that girl Abby from that Mindless Behavior party.

After the party was over, I decided to take Abby to go and get some Chick-Fil-A since there was one nearby The Paradise club. We walked and talked on the way there, reminiscing on what happened at the party.

"Man, can you believe how crazy Twist was dancing? He almost daggered the girl's brains out!" Abby said with a cute laugh.

"Right?" I said. "I was like, shaking my head. This nigga done lost his marbles!"

"For real, though. I almost started to not come to this party thing, but I'm glad I decided to go. It was the most fun ever!"

I furrowed my brows together. "Why didn't you want to go?"

"I don't know. Just wasn't my scene, I guess." She shrugged. As she walked, I put an arm on her shoulder.

"It was your scene," I replied. "You just needed someone to turn you up. Thank God I came for that!"

She blushed. Seeing her blush made me smile because it made her even more prettier in my eyes. "You're right."

I checked her out as we walked the rest of the way to Chick-fil-A. Abby's really gorgeous, I tell you. She had silk, black hair, big brown eyes, and smooth brown skin. She had on a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white blouse, and a pair of black sneaker wedges. From what she wore, I could tell she had kept her body to perfect shape.

When we finally made it to Chick-fil-A, I led her up to the counter. I had already had my wallet out, and she looked down at it, frowning. "What's wrong?"

"You don't have to pay for me, you know." She said.

"I know, but I want to." I insisted.

She sighed, turning towards me. "Money doesn't impress me, you know."

"It doesn't have to," I replied. "I know how to impress you by being me."

Indeed I did, because she smiled after I said what I had said. After a few minutes, we both knew what we wanted to order. I got a chargrilled chicken sandwich, while Abby got a spicy chicken cool wrap. After we got our food, we took a walk throughout the neighborhood, eating and talking.

"So," Abby began. "How long have you been living here?"

"Not even a good two weeks." I said with a laugh. "I just moved back here."

"Really? Where are you from?"

"I'm from Canada. Like that Bieber guy."

She laughed. "That's what's up! So, how do you know so much about here then? Like directions and stuff?"

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