Unexpected guests

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A few days later, Clementine was finally healed and back on her feet, Jin and Tala have decided it best they reject each other as mates, but he and his sister would like to stay and join Jin's pack and help fight the twins. Jungkook isn't thrilled about that because he sees the way Tala looks at Jin, he has also noticed that Cassius has taken a liking to Honi, but she loves playing hard to get. There has been a few sightings of Dante around town but no one can pick up his scent long enough to pin down his location. Boone and the siblings have been patrolling during the day making sure that nothing happens while the vampires sleep, they don't know the Twins scent, so they have to be on alert. 

Jungkook has been over the moon since finding out his Aegi is pregnant, he has been dotting on Jin for days now, and not letting him do anything. The doctor says he can still phase, but shouldn't do it to much and not in the later months. Since Namjoon has transitioned Hoseok they have had no luck in conceiving and Hoseok has been in a depression since finding out about Jin, so him and Namjoon have taken an extended vacation till Hoseok feels better. Jimin and Yoongi have been patrolling at night for Dante, covering the surrounding areas while Keiran, Cassius and Taehyung have covered in town. While the rest worry about the twins, Clementine had gone back home to check on what their father is up to, she noticed that the twins were no where to be found, so she now feels sure they are close to the mansion and biding their time till they attack. 

Its almost dusk and Jin and Jungkook are just waking up from a long day of Jin being sick, his body and the baby are in turmoil, Jin needs not only food but blood to survive, the baby being a quarter wolf doesn't like the blood, but being three fourths vampire needs the blood, so when the baby rejects the blood, Jin ends up paying the price and throwing it all up. "Come Aegi, time to get up", Jungkook says nuzzling into Jin's neck. "No, I want to sleep a little longer, please, I am exhausted", Jin whines and immediately falls back to sleep. Jungkook laughs and kisses his lips, he then gets up and takes a shower, when he is done he sees Jin in what looks like a little shelter he made with blankets and Jungkook's clothes. 

He gets dressed and goes to find either Clem or his mom, wanting to know if this is normal behavior, in the kitchen he sees Jimin and Yoongi eating breakfast. "Good evening, any news on Dante", Jungkook asks grabbing a piece of bacon. "Nothing yet, Keiran said he hasn't been seen in a few days, maybe he finally left town", Jimin says, "How's Jin." "Tired, he was up all night throwing up, the baby doesn't always like blood", Jungkook says, "I bet that little bun is an Alpha, because he is so stubborn and strong." "Oh, so you mean just like his daddy", Yoongi winks. "You already know its a boy", Jimin asks. "My mom saw him coming, she is certain its a boy", Yoongi says. 

Boone walks into the kitchen with Honi in tow, "Victoria said that breakfast was ready", he says. "Yea, help yourself, hey maybe you would know, Jin has built this little cave on our bed made out of blankets and some of my dirty clothes, is that normal", Jungkook asks Boone. "Its a nest", Honi says, "its a wolf thing, when we are pregnant with our pups, our wolf instincts take over and we build a nest, usually big enough for 2 people and made from things that smell like us and our mates, even though you are not a wolf, you still carry a distinct scent that your mate and baby can smell, keeping them both calm." "Jungkook, you may not be an Alpha, but Jin is still part Omega, so make sure that you praise him for all the good things he does, it is so good for him and the baby when he hears that his mate is proud and appreciates the things he does for your child, you will see your little wolf glow with pride", Boone says smiling. 

Jungkook heads to his bedroom to see if Jin is okay, when he opens the door he actually hears Jin whimpering. He climbs into the nest and wraps himself around Jin, he calms instantly and turns to look at Jungkook with sleepy eyes, he leans up and kisses his lips, "thank you for coming back Naekkeo, we missed you", Jin says sleepily. "You made such an amazing nest Aegi, I had to come lay with you", Jungkook praises him. Jin's eyes go wide, "really, you like it", he asks. "I love it", Jungkook says kissing Jin's smiling lips. Boone was right, the light shone in Jin's eyes when praised for his good work, "I love you so much my little wolf."

Boone, Tala, and Honi are in the backyard patrolling when Tala starts to growl at the wood line.

B - What is it

T - I hear talking, its close but I don't smell wolf

B - Let me go check it out

Boone takes off into the woods, but comes back a short while later, I didn't see or smell anything out of the ordinary. They hear rustling in the trees, two huge wolves emerge from the trees, black as night, with red eyes. "The Twins", Boone says. 

Zev - Ah Look Raff its our big brother Boone 

Raff - Why are you protecting the Hybrid, are you willing to die for him

Boone - I will sacrifice my life to save his, go back to father and leave Seokjin be, he isn't hurting anyone

Tala - Why did we not smell you

Zev - Scent blockers are wonderful for sneaking up on prey

Raff - See Zev, I told you they were a good idea

Zev - Look at that pretty little wolf Raff, what's your name pretty

Tala - Don't talk to her, don't even look at her

Boone - You need to leave or you will have same fate as Weylyn and Conell, they didn't heed my warning either

The Twins both laugh

Zev - They were weak pathetic fools, look at us compared to them, we are younger, stronger, and more lethal

Raff - The little army you have here will never be able to defeat us

They both laughed and turned around running back into the woods

Raff - We will be back soon big brother, make sure your cute little family is ready for us, and make sure the Hybrid and the whore knows they will die

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