The Voices

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Daddy, Wake up Daddy, Papa and us need you. Why wont you wake up daddy, please wake up. DADDY WAKE UP!!!!

Jungkook opened his eyes and saw his Naekkeo crying, "don't cry Aegi", he says in a whisper. "Jungkook, oh gosh, you are awake", Jin cries. He sits up holding his head, "since when do you call me daddy", Jungkook laughed. "I didn't call you daddy, are you okay, you scared me", Jin sobs. "Yea Aegi I am fine", Jungkook stood up and helped Jin up, taking him in his arms. "No more tears, I am fine Little wolf, I promise, we are safe now, Dante and the twins are both gone", he says rubbing Jin's belly.

Jungkook come to my office

My father wants to see me, please go get some rest and Ill bring us some food", Jungkook wraps Jin into his arms and kisses him deeply. "You are the one that needs rest, dont take to long and dont worry about food, Ill feed you", Jin winks, "I love you Jungkook", Jin says letting go of him and walking upstairs. "How are you feeling son", Silas says as Jungkook walks into his office, Yoongi, Cassius, and Kieran are all there.

"My head hurts but I'll be okay once I feed, what's up", Jungkook asks. "I heard from Namjoon, him and Hoseok are going to stay in the US, maybe permanently", Silas says, "That means you have to step up now that Namjoon is away, your mother and I are going to start traveling more now that everybody is safe."

"Jimin and I are going to take some time to travel also before settling down and starting a family, but when we come back I will help with the business", Yoongi says. "Taehyung and I aren't going anywhere, so we'll be here if you need us Jungkook", Kieran says. "Honi and I too, we'll be here", Cassius says. "Thanks guys, but right now I can't think straight, all I can think about is my mates blood, so I will talk to you later", Jungkook says walking out and upstairs straight his mate.

Jin had taken down the nest, and cleaned the room, making the bed and waiting for Jungkook. When he walked into the room, he already started to strip out of his clothes, Jin got on his knees and removed his robe, "come here Imja, let me take care of you", Jin says so sultry it sends heat all through Jungkook's skin. Jin straddled Jungkook's lap, stroking his cock driving him crazy, "Aegi, please ride me, I need you", Jungkook says breathless. "Anything for you Imja", Jin lifts himself and slides slowly down onto Jungkook's cock. They both moan, holding each other tightly, "Fuuck Seokjin, you are so fucking tight", Jungkook whispers into Jin's skin, licking his jugular, kissing the spot under his ear. "Do it Imja, hurry", Jin coaxes. Jungkook extended his fangs, striking and pulling on Jin's vein, holding him still, making him scream out from Pain, Pleasure, and his release all over Jungkook's stomach.

Jin laid on Jungkook's chest in the tub, the lights were low, the candles lit, and it was quiet. Jungkook could hear Jin's rhythmic breathing, knowing he is fast asleep. Jungkook closed his eyes, while rubbing Jin's belly.

Daddy, I'm glad you are okay and with our Papa, he is so much happier with you. He was so worried when you wouldn't wake up.

Jungkook opened his eyes, and honestly thinks he's going crazy. He wakes Jin and helps him out of the tub, drying him off and laying him in bed tucked warmly underneath the covers. He throws on a pair of lounge pants and goes on a search for his mother and father, he knocks on their bedroom door, "Come in", Victoria yells. "Hi honey, what's wrong", she asks. "I think I am going crazy, I hear voices and they keep calling me Daddy", Jungkook says laying down and putting his head in his mothers lap.

She rubs his hair, "Silly boy, those are your babies, I forgot to tell you that you can hear their thoughts, just like you do with Yoongi and Namjoon", Victoria says giggling, "weird isn't it, I didn't know it either when I was pregnant with Namjoon, I thought it was just pregnancy symptoms that I heard a voice, then finally your grandmother told me that it was my baby talking to me, when I was pregnant with you and Yoongi, you two wouldn't shut up, it is quite remarkable, you have to really concentrate though to hear them", Victoria says.

Jungkook kissed his mom and thanked her then left their room and went back to Jin, took his pants off and snuggled in close to his Naekkeo, he loved sleeping naked with his little wolf, he gave off heat because of his wolf side that it warmed Jungkook's cold skin and it was the best way to fall asleep. Jin snuggled into him even more when he felt Jungkook lay next to him.

When they woke up the next night, Jungkook informed Jin that Yoongi and Jimin were leaving for a while and that Namjoon and Hoseok were relocating to the US for good. Jin was upset, but he understood, Clem and Boone went back home to take care of their father's estate, but will be back now that they are part of Tala's pack. "Lets go for a run Imja", Jin says running outside and stripping his clothes off and phasing.

Jungkook hops onto Jin's back and he takes off toward their tree down by the river. Jin phases back and runs into the river, Jungkook strips his clothes and joins him, "god you are beautiful in the moonlight Aegi", Jungkook says kissing Jin's shoulders, reaching down and grabbing his ass cheeks, running his finger over Jin's hole, making him moan. The kiss they share in the moonlight is hot and needy Jungkook cant hold off anymore, he picks Jin up and carries him out of the water, laying him under their tree and laying down next to him. Jungkook rubs Jin's belly, "I can hear our babies thoughts." "What, since when", Jin asks.

"Last night was the first time, they were telling me to wake up, that you and them needed me, then I heard them again when we were in the tub", Jungkook says still rubbing Jin's belly. "Jungkook, that is amazing, what does it sound like", Jin asks. "Almost like whispers in my ear, but there is definitely two distinct voices", he says. He leans down and kisses Jin, making his body flush with heat, Jungkook props himself up over Jin, hitching his leg over his arm he slides into Jin nice and slow, pulling out and slamming back into him, sending Jin into ecstasy he's never felt before, only his Naekkeo can make him feel this way. They make love under their tree, both feeling a connection with each other that wasn't there before.

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