If it's a Fight They Want

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Boone went into the house and found Silas and Keiran, telling them what just happened, as they left Silas' office they see Jin and Jungkook come downstairs. "The Twins were just here", Silas says to Jungkook. "WHAT, why didn't anyone come get me", Jungkook yells. "Don't worry Jungkook they will be back, they are determined to end Jin and Clementine's life", Boone says. Jungkook growled, "Now we have two psychotic assholes to deal with, we need to be even more vigilant." "The question is Jungkook, do we concentrate on the assholes or on Dante", Keiran asks, "if they are as powerful as we think they are, all of us are going to have to be all in, which means bringing Jimin and Yoongi in from the field." "Bring them home", Jungkook says. 

"Imja, dont forget we have Tala and Honi", Jin says. Jungkook growls, and his eyes go black. "Shouldn't they leave knowing you are not going to be his mate", he says angrily. "Jungkook, please calm down, Tala has accepted I wont be his mate, but he has a choice to stay and be part of my pack", Jin says trying to calm Jungkook. "He's not staying Seokjin, I...", Jungkook was cut off by Silas. "Jungkook", he scolds, "you do not raise your voice to your Naekkeo, you have to remember that there are special circumstances here, Seokjin did not ask to be both species, but he has already chosen to not accept his Alpha, he's chosen you Jungkook, don't make him regret that decision." "I just wish you would trust me and get to know them, he has never overstepped any boundaries with me Jungkook, I am going to talk to them now, and I hope by the time I get back you have calmed down so that you can see it's you I love you and only you", Jin says turning on his heal and leaving, the sun is still out so before he reached the back doors he phases.

When Jin got outside he asked Tala and Honi to follow him, the siblings phased and ran off into the woods behind Jin.

Aegi please don't go far, I'm sorry for being so shitty, let's talk when you get back and you can properly introduce me to Tala and Honi

Thank you Imja, we are just going to our tree to talk.

When they arrived Honi got excited and couldn't help playing in the river, "Tala, you are so beautiful and I would be so proud to call you my Alpha, but we both know that it cant be, have you given any more thought to staying", I ask. 

"Seokjin, Jungkook is so very lucky to have you, I am sad that I can not call you mine, but I understand, I know that I have choice and if it is okay with you and your family, Honi and I would love to be part of your pack, we have no one else and we want to protect you from the Twins", he says bowing to me.  

"Its getting late, we should get back", Honi says. They agree and start to run back, but Jin stopped when he heard wings above him, Honi and Tala stopped when they noticed Jin stopped. "What is it Seokjin", Tala asks.

Imja, is that you looking for me


The sequence of events happened simultaneously, Jin turned to run, but was picked up by sharp claws and carried away, Jungkook materialized to where Jin was only to find Tala and Honi. "WHERE IS HE", Jungkook screamed at them. They cant answer being in wolf form, so Tala phased back, not hiding his body at all, Jungkook looked away, "something with wings grabbed him and flew away, it happened so fast that we didn't even have time to react", Tala said clearly upset. Jungkook growled at them, making Tala phase again and growl right back at Jungkook. "Know your place dog, that's my mate and you let this happen", Jungkook materialized again back to the mansion running to Silas' office, "I think Dante has Jin", he says angrily. "I smelled Evergreen and pine cones when he grabbed Jin", Tala says running into the house wrapping a blanket around his midsection. "You were in the forest of course..." Keiran yells, "JUNGKOOK", getting his attention. "The scent Dante uses with his ability is evergreen and pinecones, that's how he was able to grab him", Keiran says. 

Boone then came in, "Tala lets go." "Where are you going", Jungkook asks. "Jin will stay in his wolf form, if he phases he will be naked and vulnerable, at least I hope, but we can track him easier, so the four of us will go and try to catch his scent, now that Tala and Honi have their omega's scent it will be easier", he says turning around and leaving. Jungkook growled and punched a hole thru the door, he tried to calm down, "He is not their Omega", Jungkook says thru gritted teeth. "Umm you are going to fix that you know", Silas says, "you and your damn temper." 

Yoongi, have you and Jimin seen Dante today

No not today, why

He has Jin, so start searching, we will meet up with you soon

"Yoongi and Jimin are starting to search, lets go meet up with them and figure out a plan", Jungkook says materializing out of the office.

The wolves have split up, covering more ground to see if the can pick up Dante or Jin's scent, Honi made her way across the river, stopping once and awhile to smell the air, she is picking up a musty odor, with a hint of metallic mixed in. She keeps running toward it, after some time she comes upon an old mine shaft, the metallic smell she picked up was the tracks of the mining carts used. She goes toward the entrance and the musty breeze coming from down below makes her gag, until she picks up a different scent, Wild Berries. 

I found him, someone find Jungkook, the rest of you come north from the river, I will release my scent, follow it.

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