Blood Lust

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"Jungkook", Clementine said to herself, running and barreling into him. "What the fuck", he spun around to see Clementine pulling on his leather jacket and not realizing she wants him to follow. He just stared at her, looking pissed off about her running into him, she rolled her eyes and tackled him again, only this time she threw Jungkook on her back and ran as fast as she could. "You found him", Jungkook says. Clem barked, confirming Jungkook's question. When they got to the mine shaft Jungkook told the others to join him, in seconds Yoongi, Jimin, Cassius, Silas, Kieran and Taehyung were standing around the mine entrance. 

"What's the plan Jungkook", Silas asks. "One of us needs to try to see how far down they are", Jungkook says. Honi nudges Jungkook's thigh, "You want to go little one", he asks. She huffs in agreement. Jungkook looks at Tala, "is it okay she goes." Jungkook can tell they are talking. 

Are you sure Honi

Yes Big Brother, I can be the quietest and I am the littlest

Be careful baby sister

Honi went to the entrance and stopped to listen, she didn't hear anything, but she can still smell the slight scent of wild berries, which means Jin is still alive. She looks back at Jungkook and gives a small nod, she starts the journey downward, walking slowly and keeping her ears open. She knows that her hearing is way better than her brothers and she can walk quieter, she is also tinier in case she needs to hide. She walks slowly, keeping her hearing and her eye sight sharp, its dark along the path so she doesn't want to miss anything. The further she goes, the stronger Jin's scent is getting, she sees lights up ahead and starts to be a bit more careful not to alert anyone. 

Tala, Seokjin is still alive, his scent is getting stronger the farther I go, I see a light and I am going toward it, I still dont hear anything though.

Tala went behind a rock by the mine entrance and phased, "does anyone want to loan me a shirt or a jacket of some type, I can tell you everything Honi sees and hears", he asks. Yoongi took off his flannel and handed it to Tala and it was long enough to cover the important stuff. "Honi says that she still smells Seokjin's scent, so he's still alive, she is headed toward a light, but hasn't heard any sounds.

Honi comes to a metal door with a small window, she puts her ear close and listens and hears mumbling, she takes the chance and phases, she gets on her tiptoes to look in the little window. She sees Jin sitting in the chair, he looks unconscious. 

Tala I found him, I don't know if he is alone, you and Jungkook come down, but be very quiet

Honi tried looking around the room through the little window, but she couldn't see too much, she tried the door and it was unlocked. She quietly tried to open it, sticking her head in and lookin around. She hears someone talking on the phone in another room, she tip toes over to Jin and shakes him, his eyes flutter open and is happy to see Honi. "You found me", he whispered, "where's Jungkook." "He's coming, you have to be quiet", Honi whispered, "how many are there." "Its just Dante", he says drowsily. Honi heard footsteps and ran to hide behind some boxes that were in the corner of the room. Being naked is making her feel overly vulnerable and wishes she could phase. 

Jin can you hear me


what did you he give you 

Nothing, its his ability, his scent has this effect on me

Honi sees Dante come into the room, walking to the door and locking it, he then starts touching Jin, Jin doesn't move, he allows Dante to touch him inappropriately. Honi doesn't understand what Jin is doing and why he isn't fighting.

Honi, we are outside the door, where are you

I'm in here with Jin, but I am hiding, this Dante person is doing terrible things to Jin, and he isn't fighting back

Jungkook is standing out side the door, and Tala can see that something is wrong with him.

Boone, please send someone down something is happening to Jungkook and I dont know what to do

Jin can you hear me

Yes Tala

You need to fight him off Jin

I know what I am doing Tala

Something is wrong with Jungkook, his eyes are glowing red and he is breathing heavy

I think that is him going into bloodlust Tala, you have to get the others to get him, he will hurt anyone he sees. He must smell Dante's arousal. 

Just then Yoongi is there and trying to take Jungkook away from the situation, then Keiran is there and they drag him away from the situation. 

Inside the tiny room, Dante has managed to remove the clothes he put on Jin earlier, he straddles Jin's lap and unties his hands from the chair, wrapping Jin's arms around his waist.

Honi be ready to phase



In an instant Jin phased, knocking Dante off his lap and onto the floor. Honi phased at the same time and came to stand by Jin, they growled and hunched, circling Dante, ready to attack, Jin noticed that he injured Dante when he phased, a large claw mark across his chest. Honi smelled something and noticed Jin wobble, Honi then attack Dante by biting him in the shoulder and shaking him, distracting him, letting Jin gather his senses, he then attacked Dante's other side. Dante punched Honi sending her flying, hitting the door, she was hurt but phased and reached up unlocking the door, allowing Tala in. He phased as soon as he was in the door.


Jin is fighting with Dante, every time he tried to sedate Jin, Jin attacks again. Dante is covered in bites, and Dante keeps punching Jin, finally he lands a hard punch to Jin knocking him out. Jin slides across the floor, and Tala jumps in and starts to attack until...

LEAVE HIM!!! a voice bellowed thru the small space.

Tala turned to see Jungkook, he looked huge with his wings spread, eyes red, and fangs and claws extended. Jungkook picked up Dante like he weighed nothing and proceed to beat him till you couldn't recognize his face any more, he then bit his neck ripping his head off. Jungkook turned to see Clementine holding Jin in her arms and he wanted to see his Naekkeo, but Silas stopped him, "Son, go outside and calm down, don't let Seokjin see you this way", he says patting his shoulder. Tala see's Cassius holding Honi, laying his shirt over her, she has bruises all over her body, he is whispering words in her ear and caressing her hair. Tala smiled, he really is quite smitten with her, who can blame him, his sister is beautiful. 

Jungkook returned and went straight to Jin, he took his shirt off and whispered in Jin's ear, "Come on my little wolf, wake up, wake up for me Aegi, I love you so so much baby, wake up for me", Jungkook chokes out. Jin's eyes fluttered open and Jungkook extends his wings allowing his Naekkeo to phase back, he inspects Jin's body and saw bruises all over, even his stomach, and a very deep bruise near his rib cage. "I cant catch my breath Imja", he whispers. Jungkook slipped the t-shirt over his head and picked him up, "Papa, please call the doctor and have him meet us at the mansion, I'm taking Jin there now", Jungkook says walking out carrying Jin. Cassius stood, bringing Honi with him and walking out with Jungkook, once they reached the top they flew back to the mansion. 

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