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When Jungkook got Jin back to the mansion he was still unconscious but the doctor was there waiting for them, he laid Jin on the couch and allowed the doctor to check him over. Jungkook paced back and forth while the doctor checks Jin's bruises and checked the baby. After what seemed like hours the doctor stood and packed his bag, "Seokjin has very bad contusions, the one on his side looks even worse because he has a broken rib, it shouldn't take long for him to heal", the doctor says. "The baby doctor, how is he", Jungkook asked. The doctor laughed, "your babies are fine Jungkook, both are very strong." "Both, babies, w-wait, w-what", Jungkook stuttered. "Your mate is carrying two babies, Jungkook", the doctor patted his shoulder, "Congratulations." He then went to check on Honi who was in Cassius room, Jungkook picked up his Naekkeo and carried him to their nest, he laid Jin down undressing him and himself and then placing him inside and then laying down next to him, wrapping him in his arms. "You are the most perfect mate love, giving me two babies", Jungkook whispered into Jin's ear as he nibbled at the lobe.

Silas and Keiran stayed behind and burned Dante's remains, before making their way back to the mansion. Yoongi and the others were sitting on the couch in the living room, when Taehyung saw his Naekkeo, he was in his arms immediately, "is he gone", Taehyung asked. "Yes, Yeobo he is gone", Keiran says, he lifted Taehyung's face kissing his nose, "why the sad face love." "I liked him, I thought he was a good guy, but he tried hurting Jin, I just have a lot of mixed emotions", Taehyung says. Keiran held him tight and told him that Dante is better off, that he was only hurting people. Taehyung agreed and they went into the kitchen to make dinner before sunrise, Clem and Boone walk in to the house and asked about Honi. "Tala and Cassius are with her, I think she is okay, just shaken up", Silas says.

Jungkook woke, his arms still around his Aegi, he squeezed him tightly, "I am so glad you are here, I was so worried about you", he whispers in Jin's ear. "Thank you for coming for me, how is Honi", Jin says in an adorable sleepy voice, making the big bad vampire coo. Jin giggles and wraps his arms around his Naekkeo, "I think she is fine, last I picked up on is she is just shaken up. "Imja, is Dante dead", Jin asks. Jungkook leans down and captures Jin's mouth, tongues tangled, mouths moving in unison. "Whoever taught you how to kiss should get an award or something", Jungkook growls into Jin's ear, "the things you do to me with just a kiss."

Jin hitches his leg over Jungkook's hip and grinds his erection against his own, moaning deeply at the feel of Jungkook's huge cock. Jungkook climbs on top of Jin, grinding into him with his with his erection, Jin wraps his legs around Jungkook's waist, digging his nails into Jungkook's ass pushing him harder into his cock. Jungkook can't hold back anymore he climbs out of the nest and picks Jin up by the back of his thighs and sets him on the foot of the bed, Jin leans back on his elbows, "what are you going to do me Naekkeo", Jin purrs. "Fuck you till you forget your name and if I do it right you'll forget mine too", Jungkook says diving in for another kiss, while his fingers work Jin into a moaning mess, teasing his rim, pushing his fingers in and out, hearing Jin cry out is music to Jungkook's ears.

As they shower together washing off their hours of love making, Jungkook lays his hand on Jin's tiny baby bump, "the doctor came to see you, because you had really bad bruises and some where on your sides and stomach." "Is he okay", Jin says placing his hand over Jungkook's. "They are fine Aegi", Jungkook smiles. "Oh good, you sca... wait what, they did you say they", Jin asks with wide eyes. Jungkook nods, "he heard two heart beats Aegi." "Is that why I have a bump already", Jin asks. "That and vampire pregnancies' are much shorter than Human ones, so they will be here before you know it", Jungkook says excitedly. After they got out and dressed, Jin stood in the middle of the room, looking at the floor. "Aegi", Jungkook says. Jin looks up with tears on his cheeks. "What is it my little wolf", Jungkook takes Jin in his arms, holding him tightly. "Twins, Jungkook", he sobs, "what if they are like my uncles." "Oh Seokjin, no don't think that way, you have to remember they are not full wolf, so if they are both Alpha males, it will only be a small percentage, please don't worry about it, I don't want you to make yourself or our babies sick thinking that", Jungkook says kissing Jin passionately. "You are such a perfect mate for me, beautiful, sexy and carrying my babies", Jungkook says into Jin's lips. Jin whimpers, holding Jungkook tighter. "I love you so much Jungkook", he says.

Jin jumps on Jungkook's back as they head downstairs to see what's going on, when Jin see's Honi, he jumps off of Jungkook and hugs Honi tightly. "Thank you so much for what you did, I am sorry that you got hurt", Jin says. "I'm fine Omega", Honi says. Jungkook growls quietly at the name. "Honi, please call me Jin", he says holding her hands. She nods, "Okay Jin." Jin turns toward Tala, "may we talk." Jungkook grabs Jin's arms, "You are not leaving this house", he growls again. "Jeez fatherhood has made you so grumpy", Jin says kissing his nose. Jungkook blushes, and tickles Jin, "and its made you fucking sexy", he says quietly, "I may need to keep you pregnant." "HA", Jin said slapping his chest, "we are just going in the kitchen, relax, come on Tala."

Jin starts to take pots and pans out, and looks thru the fridge and freezer, "JUNGKOOK-AHHHH", Jin bellows thru the kitchen. "Yes my little wolf", he says poking his head in the kitchen. "Your babies want banana milk and Chocolate cupcakes", Jin says pouting his lips at his Naekkeo. Jungkook wraps Jin up in his arms, "Stop being so fucking adorable", he kisses Jin's jawline, leaving a nice bruise on his neck. "Anything else Aegi", Jungkook asks. "They want more ramen too, we are out", Jin says smiling. "Ill be right back", Jungkook says kissing Jin's forehead.

"Tala, I wanted to talk to you about our pack, as you know Clementine and Boone are both Omega's, and of course Honi and myself, you are the only Alpha, would you please do us the honor and be our pack leader", Jin asks sweetly, "with me having the babies soon I will not be a very good pack leader, I would feel so much safer if you took the lead." Tala stands and bows, "Omega, I would be honored to be your pack leader, I am so truly grateful to you and your family for letting us stay, I know that your mate will accept us one day, once we prove ourselves." "You and your sister have already proven yourselves, my mate is very stubborn, but you are right he will warm up eventually", I say opening a bag of chips and shoving some in my mouth.

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