Fight of a lifetime

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After eating the chips I throw up everything into the toilet, my stomach is churning and the babies aren't liking it.

Jungkook, I need you now please

Jungkook was there in an instant, Jin had his pants off and was ripping Jungkook's off . "Aegi, calm down, come here", he says pulling Jin into his lap. Jin positioned himself right over Jungkook's cock and slides down onto it, "FUUUCK Imja", Jin says in low groan. He then proceeds to fuck himself on Jungkook's cock, "ready", he asks. "Do it Aegi", he says. Jin's fangs extend and he strikes Jungkook's jugular, making him hiss, he holds Jin so he stops bouncing while he feeds, Jungkook moans as he cums, enjoying the feeling of his Naekkeo feeding on him. Jin released Jungkook's vein and licked it till it healed, fucking himself again on Jungkook, who was rock hard again. 

They both climaxed and Jin laid on Jungkook's chest, while still sitting on the bathroom floor, "what happened Aegi", Jungkook asked concerned. "I ate some chips till you got back with the food and they made me vomit violently, I dont think the babies like them, but they really wanted blood", he says holding his stomach. "Is it staying down", Jungkook asks rubbing Jin's back. "So far", he stands and puts his pants on. "Ill be back Aegi, you ripped mine I have to get another pair", he said materializing out off the bathroom. Jin went back into the kitchen and everybody was sitting around the kitchen table talking. Jungkook came in with a pair of sweat pants and a new t-shirt on, Jin growled low and wrapped his arms around his Naekkeo, "damn you look so good in sweatpants. Jungkook brought his lips to Jin's, "I love you so much my little wolf." "Lets cook, everybody is hungry", he says taking Jin's hand and kissing it. They both work together to cook a big meal, Jin watches his new family sit and talk with each other, so glad that his vampire family has embraced his wolf family. To see how Cassius acts around Honi is adorable, he is like a fluffy little kitten, she looks over at Jin and smiles...

He sure has it bad for you doesn't he

Yes, and I him, Jin is it bad for me to want to be with a vampire

Not at all, if you need advice talk to my mom, she is the expert

Jungkook wraps his arms around Jin nuzzling into his neck, "who you talking to my little wolf." Jin turns in Jungkook's arms. "Honi, she is worried about being with Cassius", Jin says kissing his nose, "I want you so bad right now Imja", Jin growls. "Lets eat first, then I will take you upstairs and ravage you", Jungkook says capturing Jin's lips again.  

Everybody praised Jin and Jungkook's cooking, they all sat around and ate and laughed. Then all the wolves stopped and stood up. "Aegi, what is it", Jungkook asked wrapping his arm around Jin. "The Twins", he says starting to walk to the door with Boone, Clem, Tala, and Honi in tow. "No, Seokjin you are not fighting", Jungkook says. "I have no choice Jungkook", he says walking into the living room and phasing, along with the others. 

Jungkook, come outside with us, but all of you hang back till we see what they do, I love you Imja.

Jin please be careful, protect our babies

With my life Jungkook, I promise.

The 5 wolves walked out slowly and stared down the two Alphas walking out of the woods

Clem - I thought you two would have figured out you cant win and ran back to daddy

Zev - You underestimate us big sister, we are stronger than you give us credit for

Boone - I dont understand who you are doing this for, I know it isn't father

Raff - And why do you say that, everything we do is for Father

Clem - guess you have been out of the loop for too long, to afraid to check in with in daddy in case he asks about the Hybrid huh

Zev and Raff look at each other with confusion

Boone - He is dead, he was killed 4 days ago


Clem - Sorry little bothers, I guess you trusted your mother more than you should have, she slit his throat, then burned his body

Jin - At least we know where you got your sociopathic tendencies 

Raff tried to tackle Jin but Tala was quicker and stepped in the way, taking the brunt of Raff's hit. But Tala recovered and jumped on the Alpha along with Boone, they tussled down the hill back into the woods. Zev then made his way toward Jin, but Honi stepped in the way and Jin tried to tell her to go but it was too late Zev grabbed her by the throat with his mouth and flung her, all hell broke loose then, Cassius saw what Zev did and his true Vampire made it self known, he had to have grown 3 times in size, his wing span is huge, eyes red as blood and fangs long and sharp.  

Jungkook looks like a little vampire compared to Cassius, he picked Zev up by his throat and flew up high into the air. Jin ran to check on Honi and Jungkook and Yoongi went to check on Tala and Boone, they came upon a standoff, the three wolves, all hurt, but circling each other. Jungkook sees Tala look at him and nod, and when the Alpha's back was to Jungkook, he ran and tackled him around the neck, biting hard into his shoulder, releasing his venom. Raff reared up on his hind legs and body slammed Jungkook to ground, then landing in top of him.

 Jungkook was out cold, "JUNGKOOK", Yoongi yelled seeing his brother laying motionless on the ground. Yoongi transformed into his vampiric state as the wolves keep trying to get to Raff. His wings extend, his fangs elongate and grabs Raff around his rib cage and crushes him, breaking bones and snapping his spine, while injecting him with venom. The wolf falls to the ground, taking his last few breaths before dying, Yoongi grabs Jungkook and tells the wolves he will meet them back at the mansion, he then flies Jungkook to his Naekkeo.

When Jin sees Yoongi lay Jungkook down on the ground he phases and runs to his Naekkeo, "JUNGKOOK", he falls to his knees. Silas removes his shirt and pulls it over Jin's body. "Imja, please", Jin cries, laying Jungkook's head on his lap, placing his ear by his baby bump. "Your babies need you Jungkook, wake up please", Jin begs. Jungkook is breathing, that is a good thing, he just needs him to wake up. 

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