1. Meeting the Heroes

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''Gosh, these stairs are torture for people like me! I really should exercise more.'' I said to myself as I was walking up to my Grandfather's dojo.

Sweat was already starting to form on my neck and forehead. The Sun was high in the sky and it didn't help my fatigue. Not even a breeze seemed to pass by in my aid, in hopes it would ease my discomfort.

''Why did Grandfather have to own a dojo placed at the very top of a freaking mountain!?'' I groaned loudly.

When I finally reached the top I took a moment to gather myself. I deeply inhaled the fresh air, cracked my neck into place and stretched my back muscles a bit. My hair was surely a mess, even in the tight ponytail, but I couldn't tell. However, I felt some strands of my long hair stick to the back of my sweaty neck, meaning I had definitely made more excersice than I had intended for the day. I should have expected nothing less when climbing so many stairs up a mountain.

''Haaah!'' I let out. ''At least that was some sort of exercise.'' I paused, looking down at the thousands of stairs below me.

I checked the bag I was carrying in my left hand, making sure it was still intact, not wanting it to somehow have spilt its contents while wobbling up the stairs.

I had proudly made one of my Grandfather's favourite dishes. I had carefully cooked him some sukiyaki along with some egg roulade, rice balls and edamame on the sides. I threw in some bonus rice balls for that Charanko pupil of his too. Nothing too flashy or difficult to make, as I acknowledged my limited cooking skills.

The meal was carefully wrapped in a special bento lunch box. As I was holding it, I couldn't wait to see the expression on Gramps' face when he'd open it. I sincerely enjoyed making him lunch boxes every now and then. It was a little habit of mine. I just had to make sure he ate properly every so often.

Grandfather wasn't one to enjoy cooking by himself, as I had come to discover. He much more preferred to spend his time teaching martial arts, being more the kind of person who lived for the sake of his art. Everything else came in the background. Which meant he was thoroughly dedicated to his martial arts teachings very diligently. Well, mostly. He loved me dearly too, so he made sure to be a part of my life as much as he could during my growing up.

I used the excuse of bringing him small meals to visit the dojo more often, as Grandfather had a habit to not visit me as much nowadays. 

''Giving me more space and privacy since I'm older now' I think it's how he phrased it.'

As I was walking towards the entrance of the dojo I noticed that a black car had stopped at the bottom of the mountain. I wondered if Grandfather had to meet someone today. He hasn't had many visitors in a very long time, as far as I knew.

''Hm? Someone who wants to join the dojo maybe?'' I questioned out loud but then shrugging my shoulders, not bothering to investigate any further. 

'Good luck climbing the stairs whoever is down there.' As I entered the dojo I was greeted by Charanko's yelling first. 

'Funny, usually he'd be the one yelled at.' I took my time noticing there were other two people sitting on the floor.

'Grandfather has more guests than ususal. Which is a good thing.' I noticed.

''YOU PUNKS! Mocking our fighting style! I, the top disciple Charanko... CHALLENGE YOU!'' He yelled and went to punch one of the guests. A blond man, who seemed to be half robot, grabbed Charanko mid-air by the throat in a chokehold.

'Wow, he did that like it was nothing! But then again, Charanko is rather weak.' I thought. I surely was more than happy that someone had managed to shut that bushy-head's mouth. 'He is such a loud yapper. And so naïve.' I sighed.

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