5. Little Girl

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Zenko had her little pale face glued against a shop window. Her eyes sparkled with fascination at the numerous pretty dresses on display inside.

''Woah! Look at that dress Onee-chan! That one is the prettiest! I like it!'' Her little voice chimed.

''You said that about the last 15 dresses you've seen.'' I laughed at her energetic state.

'She really likes to shop for girly clothes after all.'

''Yeah, but this one I really really like!''

I took a better look at the clothing item. It was a long pink and purple kid's dress with lots of lace material at the top and bottom. Somewhat similar to the one she was wearing, but definitely more complicated. It looked really fancy.

'She has taste, I'll give her that.'

My eyes fell on the price written at the edge of the lace collar and all of the blood in my cheeks got drained away immediately.

''Oh, yeah. You're right...It's- It's really pretty.'' I sweat dropped.

'And really expensive' I thought to myself. 'For me to afford it would mean a month's worth of babysitting 3 kids.'

''I know right? I can't wait to show it to Big Bro!'' She giggled.

I felt sudden pity for my best friend's wallet for a moment. But then I remembered that Badd could afford that dress easily. In fact, I was sure he could afford most dresses inside the shop if he wanted. With the pay he got from the Hero Association he had no financial worries anymore. He wouldn't like it, sure, but if Zenko insisted with her puppy eyes I bet he'd cave in and buy her the whole shop too.

It was times like these that I almost wanted to rethink my choices and consider becoming a Hero. And it was times like these too that I hated to acknowledge that everyone who tried to convince me to become a Hero was, to some extent, worried for my financial problems as well. Not that I had difficulties per se. I only needed to gather enough to enter College. Otherwise, I was quite well-off. My parents had left me with enough to live by myself for many years to come. I just wanted to make a meaning out of my life and not live off their work.

''Let's remember this store and we'll come back with Badd and make him buy that dress, if you like it that much.'' I said to the little girl.

''Ok!'' She energetically nodded and took my hand in hers.

As we peacefully strolled down the main road looking at the passing stores, I noticed an ice cream stand and was about to ask the little sunshine if she wanted a treat, but I suddenly stopped in my tracks when a loud emergency siren started to play through the city speakers.

'Urgent evacuation order. Urgent evacuation order. Monsters have appeared in the shopping district of City S. Threat Level: Dragon. Currently, Class S Hero Metal Bat is on the scene. Everyone outside should immediately seek shelter indoors.' The lady from the speakers said.

''Mo-Monsters? Here?''

''That lady said Big Brother Bat is fighting a Monster?'' Her little voice asked.

As soon as that information dropped everyone on the street around us began to panic. Chaos erupted.

My first instinct was to take Zenko in my arms and sprint away to some safer place. I didn't want anything to happen to her. But again, like before, Zenko was way too fast for me to catch. She slipped her hand from mine and sprinted away faster than I could process.

''Zenko! Wait! Where are you going?''

''I have to find Big Bro!'' She shouted in the distance.

''NO! Zenko come back! It's dangerous!'' I yelled but she was already too far away to hear me anymore.

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