6. Only Monsters Have no Heart

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I couldn't believe how big the Hospital was and at the same time I was shocked at the high number of Heroes present at the same time. I tried to quicken my steps towards the elevator and get out of the building just as fast. Seeing so many suffering faces and pained expressions were hard for me to watch. I disliked seeing people suffer. It pained me for their pain. If that makes any sense.

'How much 'till I find that dang elevator?  This Hospital is a maze.' I internally groaned.

''Iruka?'' A voice called.

''Huh?'' I turned around and a familiar face smiled back at me.

''Ah, It really is you.''

''Ah? Mumen Rider!?'' I laughed at my own immediate joy at the sight of him. I jogged my way back through the corridor towards my old friend. Of all people I wasn't expecting to meet him. Here of all places either.

My face naturally lit up in joy at the sight of him. He was one of those people who just eradiate positivity around them no matter the situation. And he was also one of the few people I easily befriended when I began fighting Monsters as a hobby. At some point you end up meeting other Heroes in this line of work, so it was natural I'd cross paths with Mumen Rider. We ended becoming good friends, having similar morals.

''I haven't seen you in a while, Iruka.''

''Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I've been busy. But it's nice to see a familiar face.''

''What are you doing here? Oh... wait, you're not injured, are you? Are you sick?'' He worriedly asked and inspected me for wounds.

'He's such a nice guy for worrying for me the minute we meet again, as usual.' I shrugged at the question.

''Hn-Hn. No, I'm fine. Don't worry. I was here to see that Metal Bat and his little sister are being taken care of.'' I hesitated a second. He didn't need to know all the details. ''There was a little incident and Metal Bat got injured. Trashed really. I was just on my way out since I'm not part of their family and can't stay. Rules, I guess.'' I kept the explanation simple. I myself didn't know how I could explain who had beaten up Badd, since I really didn't know who that wolfy guy was in the first place.

''Ah, I see. Yes, I remember you once told me that you and Metal Bat were pretty close.''

''We are, after all he's my childhood friend.'' I sighed. ''I'm really bummed that he got beaten up like that but I'm even more bothered that I can't do anything about it. And I can't even stay by his side in his current situation.'' I paused. ''Well, at least he has his little sister Zenko with him.'' I said more to myself than to him, convincing myself that leaving Zenko at the Hospital was the right thing to do. I let out half of the frustrations I was keeping bottled up inside.

''Oh, wait. I'm being really impolite. I haven't asked what you are doing here? You don't look too well either.'' I pointed my eyes to his cast and his wrapped up upper head. ''Have you been in a fight?''

''Ah, it's nothing. I'm alright now.'' He scratched his neck, trying to act cool about it. A hint of red tinted his cheeks.

''Satoru, what happened?'' I insisted, calling him by his first name. ''I've never seen you this beaten up before. Was it a Monster?'' A brief silence fell upon us. Mumen Rider seemed deep in thought. He gazed at his cast a second before his expression hardened for a split second. But then he smiled like it was nothing again.

''I tried to stop the Hero Hunter.'' He gave a little chuckle with the short answer. "Silly me to think I could stop him."

''The...Hero Hunter?'' 'The name sounded familiar.' Mumen Rider hummed in response. ''I think I heard that name before.'' I said.

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