4. Downtown Monster

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I decided to make a surprise to Zenko and show up unexpectedly in front of her school to pick her up.

Badd had told me that most times he wasn't able to pick up Zenko from school because of his Hero work, but reassured me that his cute lottle sister was more than capable of returning home by herself. In fact, he had told me before that she was very much able to take care of herself... most of the time. But he really wanted to keep faith to his Big Brother expectations and aid Zenko with everything and anything she needed, whenever he could. Be it even a simple pick up from school.

But I assumed he wasn't going to show up today. And I was right. 

There was no sign of Badd anywhere on the school grounds. Many Monsters have been appearing recently and I had gathered that he must have been busy fighting them or whatnot. So naturally, I was more than happy to plan a surprise for Zenko.

My plan was good to go. Not that I didn't want to see Badd. I did. But after our previous talk I really wanted to meet Zenko alone.

I had contemplated the last conversation between and my best friend that we had the other day and thought it was only fair for me to try and keep the promise I had made to Badd: that I'd do my best and hang out more with him and Zenko. Particularly Zenko.

Sure, he had also made me promise to be present at his little sister's piano recital too... A promise I was not sure I could keep, however, my schedule for today was free, so I thought I'd take advantage of the spare time and see that little bundle of joy that was my best friend's sister. That much I was able to do.

Hanging out with Zenko came to mind the previous evening while walking down the City Center. I figured I could spend a day with her and go shopping and do all the girly stuff Badd had told me she wanted to do with him, but couldn't due to a multitude of reasons. The odds were favourable since I had a free day from both my part-time jobs.

The school bell rang loudly in the afternoon air and after a couple a seconds a swarm of little kids came rushing out of the doors.

Some children ran into their parents' arms as soon as they caught glimpse of them, while others walked steadily outside the school gates towards their own homes. A little dark haired girl's head popped behind the large metal doors and I instantly recognized her silky hair.

She was walking while happily talking to another little girl around her age as she was directing her feet towards the exit gates. I placed myself in front of the entrance before she could cross it. As soon as she looked up and saw me her eyes sparkled with immediate joy.

''Ah! Onee-chan!'' She cheerfully shouted while shorting the space between us, completely forgetting her friend. She rushed her little feet towards me and collided with my lower half body, almost making me fall from the impact. I could feel her happiness in her strong grip on my legs. She was not going to let go of me any time soon.

''Onee-chan, what are you doing here?''

''I came to see you. Surprise!'' I giggled.

''Did Big Brother Bat tell you to pick me up?'' She curiously questioned, looking up.

''Zenko, I don't have to be told by Badd to come and see you. I came because I missed you and I wanted to surprise you with a girl's day out! Badd has no idea.'' I explained while patting her tiny head with one hand.

''Really? This is so cool! I really missed you too, Onee-chan! You haven't been around me and Big Bro anymore. I thought you got bored of us. Big Brother Bat never shows it but he really misses you a lot.'' Zenko said.

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