9. An Unfair Fight

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Garou deflected the arrows just in time. His movements fast and precise. I was barely able to see what happened.

''He figured out my attack even though I'm not that famous...'' I heard the archer Hero utter.

''That damn Hero Guide...'' I mumbled to myself looking for it. ''I need to read the guide...'' I angrily snatched the book from Tareo's hand. Flipping through the pages, I successfully landed on the one with the blond archer's picture on it. Reading through Shooter's abilities my eyes widened in horror at one fact.

'Poisoned arrows!? If those arrows land on Garou he's going to die!' I was wildly sweating now, worried beyond belief for the outcome of the fight.

'Garou... It's a good thing you read the guide. But please, be careful. ' I silently prayed.

''Why are the Heroes attacking him?'' Tareo worriedly asked beside me. I gulped loudly, not caring to answer him because I was too focused on what was happening outside the shack.

''He's resisting to the end, despite the odds. Is that Hero Hunter just a fool?'' A guy dressed as a Toad asked. Beside him, a guy with glasses answered his question.

''Chain Toad! Tank Top Master and Metal Bat were both severely injured by him. Please don't forget how we talked about taking him down.''

The sound of that made me subconsciously furrow my brows in worry and shame. I found myself being torn between wanting to defend Garou from whatever accusations the Heroes threw at him, but at the same time I felt guilty for taking his part when my friends, Metal Bat, Mumen Rider and even Charanko, were injured because of Garou. I felt very ashamed and guilty. But I would be lying to myself if I didn't say I'd help Garou escape if the situation became too critical for him. My instincts and every cell from my body told me to protect Garou. But I couldn't. He made me promise to stay put. I couldn' help him.

''To never let our guard down. I know that. I'm not going to show any mercy!'' Chain Toad yelled and threw his iron chain attack at Garou. Smileman attacked from above at the same time while the Gundam-looking Hero, Wildhorn, attacked from behind. The Cowboy Hero manages to land a hit as Garou tries to attack Wildhorn back. Meanwhile Stinger manages to cut Garou's arm. He tries to run away from Death Gatling who's pointing his gun at him but stops when Glasses puts himself in the way.

I rapidly flipped through the Hero guide to learn all their names and abilities so to understand Garou's chances in combat.

'I might need to intervene despite him ordering me to stay inside. I won't stand by and watch him get killed!'

''There's no doubt about it. He's definitely Silverfangs' student.'' Smileman points out.

''Guess he's not just some idiot. He's got some crazy instincts.''

Chain Toad and Smileman attack again with the iron chain and the giant kendama at the same time. Garou dodges both and jumps forward rolling on the ground as the Cowboy, Gun-Gun, shoots his pistols again at him, barely missing the injured man by a few inches. I sigh in relief. 

'That was dangerously close.

Garou get's up again when Shooter shoots another rain of arrows down on the ground, but this time they hit their mark. Two arrows are deeply plunged into Garou's back.

''Yes! I got him!''

The injured man was breathing heavily as he was trying to make a plan. The sight of Garou sweating like crazy, bloody, and even more injured than when he started to fight caused a pang of pain in my stomach. Only then I realised that I had been furiously clutching my shirt tight in my hand. My nails digging deep into the fabric.

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