3. Stranger

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''What!? You expelled Charanko from your dojo? But Grandfather-''

''He wasn't getting any better." He interrupted. ''Letting him stay would have been a disgrace for the name of this dojo. It had to be done.'' He firmly stated through the phone.

I had called Gramps to check on him as I always did every day at the same hour. The news he had greeted me with through the phone were certainly not what I was expecting to hear. Usually he'd tell me how he had made Charanko clean the whole dojo or how he had made the poor guy train harder than ever until he collapsed.

I always had the feeling that Gramps had a secret liking for the guy even if he made him do all the hard chores and work-outs.

'I think he also secretly enjoyed seeing the frizzy-haired guy break his back. Maybe he thought it helped him built character.'

He certainly wasn't the best disciple Gramps had ever had, but he was the most dedicated. That much I had to give him credit for. I never really connected with Charanko and I always thought of him to be too loud and a bit too dull, for someone who practiced martial arts. However, he has always been really respectful towards Gramps and myself.

Charanko had sincerely shown to be proud to be one of Grandfathers's students. Albeit he was the worst student. He had always been nice to me too. The guy didn't seem to deserve being kicked out for so little, considering things. Overall I felt bad for the guy. I couldn't understand Grandfather's actions. He had thrown a student out for worse things than not being able to grow into his martial arts skills.

I gripped the device firmly in my hand and kicked a pebble away from my path distractedly. It wasn't like Grandfather to just expel a student for a superficial reason like that. Even more his only student left. There was something odd going on.

''Gramps, is this really the real reason why you expelled him?'' I inquired. A pause from the other end.

''He wasn't fit to be a martial artist. He wasn't learning anything.'' He simply answered again. I sighed loudly.

''Grandfather, I know Charanko was not the best student you had ever had, nor the most skilled... And certainly not the most athletic-looking. But he was devoted to you and to the dojo. And he was your last student.'' I pointed out. ''I mean, he was rather annoying, I admit, but he meant well. I thought you liked the guy. I don't understand-''

''My dear granddaughter, Charanko has not shown to have learnt anything I had thought him. His body wasn't strong enough to keep up with the techniques of my martial arts style. I made a necessary decision. ''

I stood silent for a moment.

''You beat him up, didn't you? And then you told him he has learnt nothing? Why would you do that? Grandfather, this is not like you. And it's not fair either. He obviously had no chance of winning against an expert martial artist like you. It's like letting an eagle hunt a mouse, expecting the mouse to fight back. You went too hard on him.'' I heard a loud sigh from across the receiver. There was a short silence before he spoke again.

''Yes, you are right. As clever as always, dear Iruka. But I'm afraid this does not concern you.''

'So there is some reason behind this behaviour. He just doesn't want to tell me.'

''Does this have something to do with that student of yours that went wild? The one they say is hunting Heroes? The Hero Hunter or whatever?'' I insisted. ''I heard he beat lots of Heroes last night. Is he the reason why you're so distant with me now? I think you never even mentioned his name to me-''

In Love with A Monster || Garou X OC || One Punch Man Fanfiction ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें