2. Friend

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I skipped the part where the Heroes fight against the aliens arc 'cause I felt like it had little to no importance within the romance story.  The previous chapter was mostly a brief introduction chapter of Iruka and her relationships with everyone from the first season. (However as crammed up and short as it was, at least it was some insight as to how she viewed the characters... Even if briefly.)

And yes, I know that I burned the chance to expand on Iruka and Metal Bat's friendship and overall relationship and dynamic in battle, but it's a fanfic mainly about Garou (who will appear more further on) and my OC, so Metal Bat comes on second place if we were to make a love triangle of sorts between the three. However, this chapter is a way of making up for that. A part of me was way too lazy to write fighting scenes that were unnecessary for the romance thing. 

Plus, I prefer to just write the story. You'll rarely see me add Author's Corners and stuff like that, unless it's something important I feel like adding.

Therefore, I have to apologize for adding this corner up here, and changing some parts as well after such a long time since I first published these first chapters. Please be kind. I try to write as correctly and as fast as I can. Every now and then I might add some new info, dialogue or change some grammar 'cause I check again my own work and reconsider some parts that could have been written better. This goes for the entirety of this fanfiction.

I can't help it, I suffer from the very common writer's perfectionist cronic disease. So there's that. I try my best. But my main point in all of this is to have fun and write a story that I like and that the readers would enjoy as much as me. 

That being said, I'll see what I can do to write faster the next chapters.

Carry On <3 

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''Okay Tareo, I'm leaving early. Your mom called and said she'd be home in about 10 minutes.'' I yelled from the entrance door.

''You be a good boy and wait for her, understood?'' I told the kid.

Tareo was casually watching TV in the living room, clutching his Hero Almanac between his hands. His eyes were glued to the screen and he barely noticed as I passed by him. I cleared my throat in a casual way and he turned his head alarmed when he picked on my annoyed expression.

He knew me well enough to know when I was not in a good mood. The hint being when my arms were crossed. Which was the case now. But most especially when I was not paid attention to. He blushed when I arched a brow condescendingly at him.

''Oh, yeah. I heard you.'' He timidly said.

''Can you manage being alone for 10 minutes, Tareo? Your mom said I can go home early but if you want me to stay with you until she arrives I could-''

''Nah, don't worry Onee-san.'' He said turning his head towards the screen again. ''I'm watching my show. I know you don't like it that much so there's no point in staying. Plus, you said you had to meet with someone today. You kept rambling how you don't wanna be late. Isn't that why you're leaving earlier?'' He knew me well.

Tareo was a quiet and a shy kid, albeit a bit naïve, and never gave me any trouble, luckily. It made the babysitting easier.

''Exactly. Be a good boy and watch your show. Your mom's on the way.'' I patted his head and redirected my feet towards the entrance door.

'' 'Kay.'' He said distractedly.

''All right then. I'm out.'' I said grabbing my bag. ''If you want a snack I left you some of your favourite biscuits on the kitchen counter.''

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