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carmen woke up to yet another crash

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carmen woke up to yet another crash. "ughhh" she groaned, not even bothering to open her eyes. "leave me alone."

"nope, no can do. get up." her boyfriend, marcus, said while pulling the covers off of her. "we're already running late."

the girl rolled over and took a look at her alarm clock to see that they were really in fact late. "oh shit. shit. shit. shit." she exclaimed getting louder with every cuss word.

marcus admired the girl he had loved since they were eight as she raced around her room putting on a good outfit and a little natural looking makeup. carmen was truly the definition of beauty– she was perfect, at least most would say.

"did you hear that there's a new girl?" he asked her, trying to make conversation while the girl frantically ran around her room for her phone.

"really?! did u meet her? is she nice? how–" she asked rambling on and on. she had a tendency to do that when she's excited or nervous. but before she could ask another question, marcus interrupted her.

"woah slow down princess, she just moved next door. i have not met her but i saw her through her window when i was sneaking out because i'm grounded, once again. but, i do know her mom is definitely interesting. she asked me for weed, rather forcefully might i add." he chuckled.

his comment about her mom sent her into a giggling fit as marcus gazed at her. her smile is heavenly, he thought. "stop looking at me like that." she said defensively with a huge smile on her face. walking out the door with the lovestruck boy.

"i can't help it. you're just so beautiful." he said with the same big grin, looking into her eyes. he leaned in and gave her a little quick peck on the lips. "now c'mon, we've gotta get to school." he smiled, taking her hand in his and walking off to school.


carmen now sat in ap english class, sitting next to her best friend max, also known as marcus's twin sister. marcus and carmen had actually met through max. when carmen had first moved, she joined the same dance company as her, and the rest is history. they trusted each other with their lives. carmen was even the first person max told she was gay.

"welcome back, ap english." said her annoying teacher, mr. gitten, while walking over with she could assume was the new girl marcus was telling her about. she was beautiful. she was mixed with dark brown curly hair and light freckles dotted along her nose. "hiding in the back there, you will find our new student, virginia miller. i trust you will make her feel welcome." ohhh so her name was virginia. huh, what a cool name.

"it's ginny." she corrected him quietly, but mr. gitten just kept continuing on, " i know it's our first day back from summer vacation, but i thought it was an excellent opportunity for a pop quiz. those of you who didn't do the summer reading of the crucible, are in for a world of pain." carmen had done it. she loved reading. it was one of her most favorite things in the world. "uh, don't worry, virginia, i don't expect you to have read it. oh. yes, you have a question?"

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