Chapter 1: Avatar Korra

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"It's not fair! Mom and dad said it would come naturally!" Korra shouted in frustration as the water before her lay still. At four years old, Korra had relatively short dark-brown hair, cyan eyes, and brownish skin, typical for the people of the northern or southern water tribes.

She stood with a dozen or so other children. All dressed in blue fur coats to keep them warm in the south pole's harsh environment. The children each carefully moved their hands and bodies around small water urns. These motions carried the liquid around them in an elegant matter, and it infuriated Korra, who furiously tried to repeat the moves she'd learned. Yet, it only slightly disturbed the water, nothing more.

"Aww, what's the matter, Korra? Still can't accept you aren't a water bender!" Korra's anger grew steadily as she turned to three giggling girls nearby. They bent the water well for their age, making it dance around them.

The little-girl tried to look away, but the girl who mocked her splashed Korra in the back.

"Oops, sorry!" She chuckled.

"That's it, Nunataq!" Korra roared as she came over, fists raised.

"No, please, don't sit on me!" Nunataq pretended to be scared while emphasizing Korra's chubby belly, making her go red in the face from rage and shame.

"Enough!" A stern voice silenced all four girls, and they turned to see an older woman approaching. Her skin tone matched the others, and she had light-blue eyes in contrast to gray hair.

Despite the woman's elderly appearance, she carried a powerful presence to her. The nearby girls and boys who'd been practicing now looked frightened.

"We weren't doing anything, master Katara!" Nunataq tried to sound innocent, though the water bending master easily saw through it.

"Since you're so confident in your waterbending abilities, you three can stay after to clean up the urns."

Nunataq now turned angry and scowled at Korra, though she didn't look any better hearing this. Katara's demeanor instantly changed as she took Korra by the shoulders and brought her back to the urn.

"Try again, take your time." Katara now spoke in a warm and motherly tone that soothed Korra a bit. Taking a deep breath, she began to practice what the Master taught her, yet the water still only moved slightly.

Nunataq smirked with her friends as Korra's rage boiled over, and she looked ready to scream. The little girl pushed herself harder and harder with her motions, but to no avail.

"Korra, you need to calm down. You can't force waterbending like that."

"I just need to try harder, is all!" Katara knelt down and placed both hands on Korra's shoulders, giving more motherly devotion to her.

"Korra, you'll get there in time. You just need patience."

An hour later, Korra buried her head into the fur of her father's coat. Tonraq carried his daughter through the vibrant streets of the southern water tribe, greeting a few tribesmen as they passed.

"Evening Tonraq!"

"Evening Tipvigut, how's your fishing boat coming along?"

"Wonderful, it'll be ready this weekend! My business will finally kick-off! You're still welcome to join!"

"No thanks, good luck though."

"Ahhh, Tonraq. There you are, and Korra too."

"Korra, say hello." She slowly looked up at a middle-aged woman smiling at them in a far too friendly manner.

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