Chapter 13: The Battle of Airbender Island

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Everything happened so fast, yet even with the fear and adrenaline running through Tenzin, he struggled to set Meelo down in Oogi's saddle.

"No! Let me go. I can fight!!!" The young Airbender protested while furiously attempting to break free from his father's grasp.

"Meelo enough!" Tenzin spoke with sternness and ferocity that none of his children had ever heard before. So much that Meelo almost trembled and clutched his mother as she held Rohan and kept Ikki close.

All around them, the youngest of the Airbender students climbed onto the few adult sky bison on the island.

"Head right for the northern air temple and don't stop."

"You're coming too, right?" Ikki muttered. Tenzin took a deep breath and placed his hands on hers.

"Eventually, but getting you kids out first is what matters most.'

"Please, Tenzin, be careful." The Airbender master kissed his wife and infant son before Oogi and the other bison, adult, and adolescents. On one, Tenzin spotted his great-nephew Lu Ten and exhaled deeply.

"Everything will be ok." Jinora said as she took her father's hand. Despite his and Pema's fierce protesting, Jinora insisted on remaining behind until more help arrived.

Tenzin looked around at his few dozen remaining students. Despite their best efforts, a few children remained among them. Thanks to Lin, the White Lotus Guards raced about trying to set up makeshift defenses, including earth-bent barriers and bent metal.

"Move it! You call this a barrier? I could smash it apart in my sleep!" The police chief roared. Tenzin almost felt bad for the White Lotus Guards, who looked more afraid of Lin than of what might come for them.

"You have to admit she's perfect for situations like this." Kya chuckled.

"That's one way of putting it." Tenzin said.

"Incoming airship!" One of the White Lotus guards cried. The Airbenders trembled at first, but Tenzin and Kya calmed them down.

"Kai, get a closer look." Kya ordered.

"No problem." The young Airbender pulled out his glider and flew up high enough to see a few words on the airship's side.

"It says Future Industries!!"

"Future Industries?" Tenzin muttered in confusion.

"Hold on. We're picking something up on the radio!" A Guard shouted as she adjusted the frequency.

"It looks like you Airbenders could use a ride!" Hiroshi Sato's voice came like music to their ears, and many cried out in joy when they saw the airship come in to land.

"Hiroshi!! Perfect timing!" Tenzin almost cried in relief when he saw the businessman come out.

"I'm just glad everyone here's ok. Have you heard from Asami and the others?"

"They're on route to City Hall with General Iroh." Kya answered, earning a look of angst from Hiroshi.

"She'll be fine, my nephew-" Tenzin started.

"Incoming!!!!" Lin roared. Tenzin, Kya, and Hiroshi raced beside her and felt their hearts race faster as a fleet of speedboats, and three airships with the Equalist banner approached the island.

"The Equalists are coming!!" A student yelped in terror.

"Everyone aboard the airship now-" Hiroshi started. However, not a moment later, a metal javelin, with a grapple attached, shot from each of the Equalist airships and embedded themselves into his ship's engines.

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