Chapter 3: Another Way

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Korra slept soundly in her room on air bending island, exhausted from her strenuous days since arriving in Republic City a few weeks prior. By now, her eighteenth Birthday passed, and her parents visited. Neither was particularly happy that she'd run off but didn't force her to leave with them back to the South Pole.

"Huh?" Korra felt Naga's tongue across her face and slowly got up.

"Ahh, alright, Naga, I'm up. Geesh, you really are on Tenzin's payroll now." Korra groaned as she got up and stretched her aching muscles. The young Avatar took a quick bath and put herself together before walking towards the dining hall with Naga.

Bumi once took Korra to visit each of the Air temples during her years training under him. Air acolytes now restored each site to their former glory and used this knowledge to model Tenzin's home off their beauty.

If Korra was honest, she preferred Fire Nation architecture but couldn't complain about the air bending island itself. Several dozen air acolytes worked as laborers to maintain the temple as they did the others, cleaning the halls, tending the plants, and preparing food.

"Avatar Korra." Several greeted her with soothing and peaceful voices.

"Good morning." She greeted them back. The men had shaved their heads just like air nomads had and wore attire similar to that she saw Aang wear in her memories.

"Avatar Korra." A stronger voice said. She glanced at a white Lotus guard patrolling that area of the temple.

Korra did her best not to look resentful as she passed him. Over two-dozen White Lotus Guards kept a close watch on Air Bender Island. Tenzin claimed they were there to help protect the few air benders left in the world, but Korra suspected their real purpose was to keep an eye on her.

Finally, she and Naga reached the dining hall and ate a large breakfast of fish, meat, and rice. Despite the air nomad diet not allowing some of those foods, the air acolyte cooks still knew how to make them delicious.

Korra savored the rich taste and felt Naga whine a little while as she gazed longingly at Korra's breakfast, having finished her own.

"Come on, Naga, I need to eat too."

"Here, you can have mine." Otaku said, placing his fish and meat down beside the polar bear dog, who happily began eating.

Otaku was Korra's age and a bit pudgy. He was a former Air Acolyte whose air bending abilities awoke two months prior. According to Jinora, he cried for three days in joy.

"I shouldn't be eating meat anyway."

Opal and a few other air bending students of various ages Tenzin assigned to Korra sat with her.

These pupils nervously glanced around at the other new air benders, who ate curried vegetables and rice, in contrast to the meat and fish Korra had the cooks prepare for them since arriving a month earlier.

"Come on guys, eat up. You're going to need your strength today. We're training long, and we're training hard!" Korra declared very loudly, earning a sigh from Tenzin, who sat at a nearby table with Jinora, his pregnant wife Pema, and their youngest child, Milo.

"Korra, you eating non-traditional air nomad food is bad enough. But the others-" Tenzin started.

"Calm down, Tenzin. Eating that food isn't necessary to learn air bending. Bumi didn't have me do half the stuff I see you guys do here, and I turned out fine." Korra demonstrated this by leaping up and bending a sphere below her.

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