Chapter 2: Welcome to Republic City

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"I don't care if you are the Avatar! You and your people will submit to me, or I'll destroy you all!!" A short bearded man in ancient Earth Kingdom armor roared as he faced Avatar Kyoshi, who fearlessly opposed him and his immense army.

"You will not take a step closer, Chin." Kyoshi's eyes glowed white for a moment, and drawing her fans, she slammed one foot into the ground, causing the largest earthquake the Emperor or his army ever experienced. The land before Kyoshi fractured like cracking ice, and with her unstoppable air bending, the Avatar moved all land behind her away from the Earth Kingdom and Chin, who refused to move from his spot until the ground beneath him broke apart, and he plunged to his doom.

Kyoshi vanished, replaced by a man in his thirties with long black hair, copper eyes, and a small goatee. Avatar Wan bent all four elements against four approaching armies, each preparing to unleash their full fury upon each other. Wan did his best to keep the troops back, but their sheer sizes kept pressing them forward until they came within killing range, ready to consume the surrounding area in war and destruction.

"No! Enough!" Wan's eyes glowed white, and he rose up into the air, fire, earth, water, and air surrounding him.

Wan unleashed his full power, trapping each army in their respective element with bending to the likes of which they'd never imagined possible.

"This war ends here!"

Wan soon vanished, replaced by a thirteen-year-old Avatar Aang who unleashed the full might of his Avatar State upon a now seemingly helpless Fire Lord Ozai through a forest of rock pillars, until trapping the tyrant in a prison of stone.

However, rather than killing him, Aang placed his hand upon Ozai's forehead, and beaming blue light lit up the countryside. When it vanished, Aang released Ozai, who tumbled to his side, fruitlessly attempting to fire bend at the Avatar.

"What did you do to me!?"

"I took away your fire bending. You'll never use it to hurt or threaten anyone ever again."

Taking a deep breath, Aang reached out to the nearby ocean and bent in the tide to extinguish the flames engulfing the Earth Kingdom, ending the hundred years war.

Korra's eyes shot open, and she panted heavily, sweat forming on her brow.

Naga whined in concern and began licking Korra's face as she caught her breath.

"Sorry Naga, I just, I had a dream, is all. Or memories, I guess." When she was younger, seeing her past lives' incredible feats once filled Korra with pride and eagerness. Now, they were just another reminder of what she hadn't accomplished by that point, now on the verge of turning eighteen.

Despite how hard she tried, Korra couldn't fall back asleep, even with a few attempts at meditation. Unable to rest, Korra began to fantasize about Republic City and imagine the great deeds she'd accomplish there. Perhaps it would be the boost she needed to learn water bending finally.

"One day, they'll tell stories about Avatar Korra, Naga. I'll be seen as Aang, Kyoshi, and Wan's equal. Who knows, the tales might even talk about you." She chuckled while stroking the polar bear dog's head as she panted.

Moments later, they both felt the airship shift slightly. Korra got up and looked out the window, noticing other craft coming up and down from a series of docks with dozens of ships in the bay or harbor.

"We're here! Alright, we need to get off before someone comes down to check the cargo hold." Korra looked around for a good place to land with Naga safely. She had her gliding staff, but the polar bear dog certainly couldn't ride in it.

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