Chapter 5: The Red Lotus

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Korra gazed at the passing cars as they raced by her, Naga, and Kya, who sat behind her.

"Still not going to take Varrick up on his offer to buy you a car?"

Korra smiled down at Naga while stroking her head.

"What's the point when I have Naga. Unlike cars, she's loyal, fierce, and loving. Isn't that right." Korra said while Naga panted and barked.

"Hmp, maybe you're right. I always did like polar bear dogs growing up. Maybe I should get one for Lin and me."

"Hah, you think Lin is going to want a pet?"

"Just because she didn't want to adopt any kids doesn't mean I can't wear her down on this. Maybe if I start with something smaller, like a wolf."

"There you go." Korra laughed.

The sounds of passing cars soon became drowned out by ever-increasing jeers and shouting as they approached their destination, a massive factory with large walls surrounding it. Atop the entrance rested the words "Future Industries". A growing crowd of benders protested outside the gate, a few bending their respective element to further the point.

"Machines will not replace us! Machines will not replace us!"

Korra tightened her grips on Naga's reigns and braced herself as they passed through the crowd of protestors.

"The Avatar is here! Help us tear down these machines!"

"She's sided with the non-benders! I've seen her go inside before!"

"Benders first!"

Kya put her hand on Korra's shoulder with an encouraging look.

"Listen to what they say, but don't take it to heart."

"Listen to it?" Korra asked, a bit surprised.

"Yes, if you are going to act as a mediator, you have to understand their point to refute it."

When they reached the gate, a wall or rock rose up between them and the crowd. Five men and women in police-esk uniforms came out, two wearing electric gauntlets like the one Zhu Li had and the United Forces, two were clearly earth benders, and the third was none other than Mako.

"Morning Korra, Kya." He said with a smile.

"Morning Mako, the crowd looks bigger today." Korra said, glancing back at the protestors. The fire bender sighed while the earth benders lowered their barrier before those in the crowd could.

"I know, two days ago, me and the other benders among my security detail tried to explain that we're benders, but the crowd either ignored us or called us traitors to our kind."

"Really, the crowd protesting a non-bender for taking away benders' factory jobs were upset that said non-bender has benders working for him. Interesting." Kya said in a mocking tone.

Korra sighed. Supposing that the crowd only saw what they wanted to see.

"Well, best not delay then." Kya said as she got off Naga with Korra. A few minutes later, they both stood in an office over a man around Kya's age who sat with his shirt off.

Kya very medically used her water-bending over a series of deep burn scars over his stomach and chest.

"Ahhh. That's better than any medicine." He said. The man had graying hair, maroon eyes, a thick mustache, and a slightly plump body.

"I think you're becoming an addict to it." A middle-aged woman chuckled as she helped Asami sort out reports at her desk in the office.

"Alright, I think Korra's ready to try again, if you're ok with it, Mr. Sato?" Kya asked.

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