Chapter 12: A City Held Hostage

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The sun began to set across Republic City, and President Zhu Li gazed over the capital and took a deep breath. Somehow, her first day as president proved less stressful than her first day as Varrick's assistant, remembering that date particularly well.

Zhu Li adjusted her glasses and smiled fondly at a picture of her with Varrick on their wedding day resting on the desk. Moments later, she heard a knock on the door.


"Pardon me, madam president, but we have another bill proposal from Representative Lian Xinyue." Zhu Li nodded a slightly wary expression.

"Three in one day? I guess the northern cities don't want us to forget they're part of the Republic too. Alright, Matsuo, do the thing." Zhu Li's assistant struggled not to sweat while tugging at the collar of his shirt.

"I, uh." Zhu Li shook her head, though with an amused smile.

"You wouldn't have lasted as Varrick's assistant." Zhu Li took the large stack of paper from Matsuo then took out a pen and writing pad from a drawer.

"What's my schedule for tomorrow?"

"Yes, madam, president! Let's see, at nine you have a meeting with the Southern Farmers' Association, at ten-thirty you have a briefing from Chief Beifong, huh?"

"Yes?" Zhu Li asked, her eyes still on the bill.

"It says here you have a noon pakik session with the first man. What's a pakik session?" Zhu Li held in immense laughter.

"It's a water tribe term."


"Meaning we're going to do the thing, and hopefully, in nine months, I'll do another thing." The assistant's face shot red, and sweat trickled down his back.

"Noted. Well, anyway, tomorrow evening Colonel Kuvira should be returning with Suyin Beifong as well as a delegation from the Fire Nation too, ahhhhh!!!"

Zhu Li looked up in horror and saw Matsuo's body violently contorting against his will.

"Matsuo!" She got up, but the young man thrashed at her, his actions clearly not his own.

"Help me!!" He cried, his fists still trying to strike Zhu Li.

"I'm sorry, Matsuo." Zhu Li swept his legs and then slammed Matsuo into the ground with a swift movement, pinning him down until the assistant lost consciousness, his body finally relaxing.

"What in the world?"

For a brief moment, Zhu Li felt her own body twinge, yet it passed. Something shielded her from whatever afflicted Matsuo.

"Madam President, are you alright? What happened?" Two of the presidential guards in military-esk uniforms raced in, one bending water around his arms while the other donned a pair of electric gauntlets.

"Matsuo started acting strangely. It was like something was wielding him like a puppet-" Zhu Li started.

"Gaaah!!" To her terror, Zhu Li saw both guards convulse just like Matsuo had.

"No!" Not giving them a chance to attack, she seized one of Saito's gauntlets and zapped them both before slamming her doors shut and locking them with a flagpole in the corner.

"Ok, stay calm, stay calm." Zhu Li carefully went over to the windows and looked down into the streets. There she saw the remaining building guards collapse in agony while unsavory figures approached.

Zhu Li picked up her phone and dialed like her life depended on it, which it very well might have.

"This is President Zhu Li! I need to speak with General Iroh now!!! Iroh, something is happening. My guards and personnel are collapsing, and there are people trying to break into the building! I need soldiers down here now-"

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