"I think your house is haunted"

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I just wanted to tell you that this is my first story and it might suck a little but just try to power through. My story characters come from @Kallmekris on tiktok.  I did not invent these characters kris did.

*Little update I am slowly going through this story and hopefully rewriting it but it's been at least 3 years since I wrote the first chapter*

Boston Massachusetts USA 2021 Saturday morning (this is where the story takes place)

*cccrrr* the floor boards creaked under the weight of 5 year old Riley as she walked towards the bed in her parents room. It was around 9:30 in the morning. The only source of light in the room came from gentle rays of sunlight somehow having made their way around the dark curtains and into the bedroom. Janet and Roger, Riley's parents were sleeping somewhat comfortably on the bed facing opposite ways and a little farther apart than healthy for a married couple, but luckily that was all oblivious to the five year old as well, she was only five. She crept softly towards Janet, her mother, who remained asleep covered by golden hair spilling onto her face .

Riley quietly inched closer and closer to the bed until she was hovering right above Janet's face. One hand fidgeting with the hem of her Elsa pajamas, the other inches away from her moms face until finally*poke poke*

Janet was rudely awoken to her toddler Riley poking her in the face. Her eyes fluttered open taking a second to adjust to the light. Once she could see clearly she noticed her daughter standing over her, fingers inches away from her face.

"Morning mom" came from the figure above.

"Well good morning to you to, why do you have to poke me like a dead animal you found in the backyard" she asked slightly annoyed from the wake up call. She looked over to check the time on her clock it only read 7:30 am.

"Mommy I'm hungry"  Wined Riley her tiny fingers still fidgeting at her pjs

" all right I'll get you some food just be quiet mummy's tired "
explained Janet, peeling the covers off her body, leaving the warmth of her bed to get up and make breakfast for her toddler.

"Otay" replied Riley following her mother towards the kitchen.

They lived in a light blue cape cod style house. The interior of the house was mostly barren with it's peeling white walls covering the hallway and the ocasional blue floor length curtain, bought in an attempt to bring some color to the house but had ultimately become a tripping hazard for the toddler walking nearly on top of her heals.

They made it to the kitchen following the path of white walls raping around the space. A tiny grey island with a rickety pair of bar stools stood of the the side along with a dining table filling up the most space in the kitchen.

Rusty hinges swing open to revel a short stack of off white bowls and plates.


Janet glanced at the rapidly growing pile of dishes that had build up in the sink. Regardless she reached for another 2 bowls deciding that she'd join her toddler for breakfast and resealed the doors.

The last 2 clean spoons were put to use as Janet poured her overly excited toddler a bowl of way too sugary breakfast cereal.

"Tank ou" (thank you) mumbled Riley mouth full of a spoonful of cereal, milk dribbled down her chin as she spoke.

"Your welcome, make sure you chew before you choke" replied Janet as she picked up the box again and poured her self a bowl just enough came out until the box was empty.


She would have to go shopping later to get the  groceries for this week. She got up watching Riley play with her food and scooping some half eaten yogurt left abandoned in the fridge, into her own bowl.

This would have to do

Grocery shopping was clearly she and her husband Roger have been fighting more often then usual and a divorce might soon be on the table. She is really trying to keep Riley away from the arguing but there's only so much one can do.

Around 10:30 ish.

"Riley time to go are you ready" Janet said as her voice echoed down the hall toward Riley's room. She had just finished showering and changing.

"I'm ready" Riley replied as she walked toward Janet in the hallway the walked toward the door in the kitchen

Alright here we go another day another peace of my soul gone off to the store she thought as they walked out into the daylight.

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