Chapter 5 the store- Janet and Riley

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Boston Massachusetts 2021 the store around 11:00am 

*Janet's POV*

We had finally reached the store and I got out of my seat to unbuckle Riley. After I unbuckled Riley we started walking towards the store. As we approached the store I noticed there were fliers plastered everywhere about the fire works show I must have mist them when I was driving. 

"Mommy I want to see the fireworks" Riley wined as we walked into the store trough the sliding doors and grabbed a cart.

"Fine we can see the fireworks but only if you behave" I told her. We started walking down the aisle and I pulled out my grocery list. 

 "Alright first we need apples and bananas" I told Riley as we walked through the fruit and vegetable aisle she collected the bananas and I got the apples. 

After a while of collecting groceries because I'm to lazy to write it. 

"Alright and the last thing we need is cereal go grab the Cheerios" I told to Riley she ran off towards the cereal on the other end of the aisle. As I looked for the (pretend I said something because I'm to lazy to think of something). 

*Rileys POV*

I speed of to find the Cheerios and when I was looking for the cereal I bumped into a strange looking kid. There were two of them they looked exactly alike. 

"Ow" I said looking up at them. 

"Hi I'm Sergei and this is Misha" said the strange looking kid. 

"My name is Riley" I said introducing myself to them. 

"Riley" I heard my mom say as she walked over and I turned around. 

*Janets POV* 

I was just walking down the aisle near Riley so she wouldn't  get lost and then of course she bumps into someone. She gets up and starts talking to them they look around the same age as her. 

"Riley" I call out and she turned around to face me. 

"Did you get the cereal" I asked her. 

"No because I was walking and I hit into them" she explained 

"Ok well let's grab it then we have to go" I told her 

"Misha Sergei I told you not to talk to strangers" a woman called out from the other end of the aisle slowly making her way towards us. Let me tell you she was beautiful with her wavy chestnut brown hair and her electric blue eyes. She was practically a model with her long legs and perfect figure .  I haven't felt something for a girl since college but she honestly made the bisexual in me shake. 

"Sorry mother but she bumped into us so we had to ask if she was ok" explained one of the boys talking less like a 5 year old and more like an adult. 

"I understand" she told them and then she looked up towards me and boy is she beautiful. her electric blue eyes had a toughness but in the small glance I took I could she had a soft side. Her face was beautiful perfect cheekbones and the most adorable nose. Her wavy chestnut brown hair practically shimmered when she walked. Get your mind out of the gutter you dumb ass your married. 

"Hi I'm Katrina their mother" she said with a Russian accent it wasn't too thick but it was noticeable. Her words were so sexy as they fell effortlessly out of her mouth. It took me a few seconds to realize she was talking to me.

"Hi i I'm Janet Riley's mother" I managed to stutter out but she didn't seam to notice. We just stared at each other. 

"Wow look at the time I should get going it was nice meeting you" she said as she checked her watch and started to push her cart away. 

"It was nice meeting you too" I said as we walked away from each other . After that me and Riley checked out and walked balk to the car with the groceries put them in the trunk and hopped into the car. As I bucked my seatbelt Riley said.

"Mommy can we listen to frozen on the way home" I sighed and thought this is going to be a long day. 

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