Chapter 10 day care- Janet

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 thank you so much for all the wonderful comments that absolutely made my day. 

* Janet's POV * 

My car comes to a stop slowing down at a consistent rate before fully coming to a stop in the parking lot in front of Mommy toddler daycare. 

Let me tell you it has been a very long car ride and if I listen to the frozen sound track one more time I will louse it.

I unbuckle my seat belt and climb out of my side of the car. I shut my door and walk to the back set to unbuckle Riley from her blue car seat. After unbuckling Riley we start to walk inside the daycare building. As we walk up onto the side walk I see multiple people walking into the building.

We walk into the building through the sliding door that open automatically as we walk through them. We walk up to room A-3 and enter we got an email after we signed up saying what room we would be in so we wouldn't wonder around the halls lost. 

I pulled the door open and let Riley walk inside the room first then I walked inside. The door shut behind us and I say a few people in the room.

They were all crowded around the carpet in a half circle leaving room for others to join. 

That's when I saw who walked through the door next...... 

"My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand" Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora