15. Bedtime- Janet

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 By the time we got home the half moon was just making its way up into the sky and I was totally absolutely completely frozened out. If I have to listen to that move one more time I swear I will fucking explode. 

We finally arrived home and I got out of the car to help unbuckle Riley. We then made our way into the house locking the car as we walked away. 

When we got into the house we just ate a simple dinner of cold pizza (don't look at me like that it's good) after we finished dinner I drew a bath for Riley. 

She walked into the bathroom and got situated in the tub and I let her play for about 10 minutes while I got some Landry done. After Riley was done playing I got her all cleaned up and into her pajamas. 

I brought her to her bedroom got her all tucked into her bed for the night and she was so tired that she didn't even ask me to read her frozen before going to bed score 1 for Janet.

After I put Riley to bed I finished up the laundry and as I when to bed I didn't even bother to text Roger were he was mainly because I just didn't care anymore.

I guess overall it had been a good day and only one think circled back to me in my dreams one extremely hot brunette.

Hey lovely's I hope you have an incredible weekend 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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