Nicole x Christine Headcanons

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-Nicole and Michael are exes and dated for like a week before Nicole was like "yeah I'm a lesbian" 

-Honestly she and Michael had just wanted to prove a point to Jeremy because Jeremy was always wondering why Michael wasn't dating anyone and Nicole's mom was always asking her about boys so they just said "fuck it why not"

-Christine decided she still needed time to figure out things post-squipcident so she and Jeremy went on a few dates but broke up but STILL lasted longer than Nicole and Michael

-Nicole and Christine started to hang out more after the breakup and made jokes about being "breakup buds" 

-They would share clothes and watch musical bootlegs together and Christine comforted Nicole when her pet bunny passed away

-They got together officially during or after college

-Christine has a pet dog named Lady Macbeth and Nicole thinks she's an adorable doggo

-Nicole likes hugging Christine and resting her chin on her shoulder when Chrissy is trying to work

-They don't have too many nicknames for each other besides the standard "darling" and "sweetie" but Christine does sometimes try to get creative and make up musical themed nicknames

-Nicole has fake plants on the windowsill for aesthetic purposes

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