A Turtle

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How Jeremy and Michael first met!

This was only Jeremy's first tornado drill, but he could tell just by this they were all probably so boring. Just curled up there in "turtle position" against the wall, all too close to each other, absolutely silent for who knows how long— it was the worst! Luckily, the teacher had decide she was going to read to the class to keep them mostly sane.

She had pulled out a book Jeremy didn't remember the name of, but he remembered the plot. It was about some bat not sure whether he should be on the mammal soccer team or the bird soccer team. On one hand, the mammals were strong, but on the other hand, the birds could fly!  

The book was finished and the fire drill ended soon after, everybody getting up and stretching as the teacher explained that she would be putting the book in the reading station. "That way," she had said, "everyone can read it!"

Oh yeah, stations! At the end of the day, the class could play in a few different stations. The science station near the closet, which just had some rocks and magnifying glasses, and some skin from the teacher's pet snake that was put in a bag (Jeremy remembered going to that station once and being scared at what looked like beady eyes in the shedded skin); The blocks station, which was next to the toy kitchen or "house" station; a drawing station, with markers and colored pencils and crayons galore, and even a station for pretending to be a teacher; and Jeremy's favorite station, the reading station.

It was filled with different books, all on little shelves or in little boxes all neatly pressed against the wall. It even had a few little bright colored pillows for people to sit on. Usually, it was the emptiest station too, so Jeremy liked to sit there a lot.

Well, it was almost always empty. That day had been an exception. There was a boy in the "turtle position" from the tornado drill in front of the bookshelves. Michael was his name, and he was a pretty excitable kid, always running around at recess and talking loudly in class.

Jeremy looked down at him, still standing up but noticed that in front of Michael was the book the teacher had been reading in the drill. The boy wasn't reading it, just had it in front of him. "Hey, Michael? Whatcha doing?" Jeremy asked.

Without warning, Michael popped his head up from turtle position to blurt out "I'm a turtle" loudly before quickly putting his head back down. Jeremy couldn't help it, he started giggling and took a seat in front of Michael, hands cover his own mouth as he tried to calm down. 

"Well, Mr Turtle, is it okay if I read this book with you?" Jeremy asked with a smile still on his face as Michael popped his head up once again and adjusted his dark grey colored glasses. He looked a little embarrassed.

"Um, actually, turtles can't read super well..." 

"Oh, well I can just read to you then!" Jeremy said as Michael grinned and put his head back down. Jeremy kept reading books to his new "turtle friend" until it was time to go home.

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