Prettiest Girl in School

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Everybody at school always argued over who was the prettiest girl there. Usually it was one of two girls, also known as Chloe and Brooke.

Chloe Valentine was usually the popular vote for who was the hottest. Brown hair that was bleached at the tips, lips always covered in a dark pink color, crop tops— she knew how to get the attention she wanted.

However, Chloe was also very cold and hostile towards everyone around her. She was nice to a select group of people, and it was only that way because of keeping up her status.

That's where Brooke Lohst came in.

Brooke was very pretty, much like Chloe. Naturally blonde hair, freckles on her face and shoulders, and always wearing the same cardigan. Brooke also always smelled sweet, similar to vanilla.

Unlike Chloe, Brooke was usually nice to everyone and wanted to be well-liked. That would prove to be her somewhat-weakness, because people would walk all over her, especially boys she dated.

If you were to ask Christine who the prettiest girl in the whole school was, however, it would be Madeline Lovett.

Madeline had been Christine's friend since middle school; they had met through Christine's cousin, Dustin.

Madeline had short, very curly brownish-black hair. Her skin tone was dark, and she always had on fishnets and shorts. While her shirts varied, they were usually a shade of red, just like her lipstick.

She was also really tall, only about an inch shorter than Jake Dillinger, the so-called hottest boy in school. One of Madeline's favorite things was to wear red hightops so she'd look taller than him.

The tall girl was usually cold to people— Christine knew that was from years of rumors being spread about her, awful ones. Christine had tried to stand up for Madeline a few times, but Madeline didn't seem to care at this point.

Christine knew Madeline cared more than she seemed to let on though, and would comfort her whenever she got the chance.

Even if Madeline was usually cold to people, she seemed to open up around her friends, like Christine.

She would intently listen to Christine ramble about whatever was the latest book christine had read, and seemed to actually pay attention. In return, Christine would listen to Madeline talk about random movies and magazine stories and other things.

Truth be told, Christine was starting to have a crush on Madeline. How could she not? The nicest, prettiest girl she had ever met, right there next to her as they currently sat on Christine's bed, LED lights making the room glow dimly.

".. and then Dustin almost fell out of his desk!" Madeline recalled as she told a story from earlier that day, from a class christine happened to not have with her. "He was so lucky the teacher didn't notice."

As she scratched the side of her face, giggling softly and trying to think of a response, she took notice to a small black dot on Madeline's cheek. Since it was dark in the room, Christine couldn't really make out what it was supposed to be. "Hey, um, you have something on your cheek.."

Madeline raised an eyebrow and wiped at her own face, looking down at her hand before looking back up at Christine in realization. "Shoot, forgot I drew a heart on my face." she laughed slightly. 

"Like an e-girl?"

"Don't make me regret doing it!" The taller girl said, faking offense as she started to scoot closer to Christine, a look of wondering on her face. "You know, you'd look cute with that, too."

Christine felt her face heat up a bit. "You really think so?" she started to ask as Madeline started to get out a marker from her pocket. "Wait you just carry that around—?"

"Don't worry, it's washable!" Madeline reassured and leaned over in front of Christine and uncapped the marker. Christine's eyes locked with Madeline's awkwardly as she felt her hand on her face. "Let's see..."

The marker felt cold, but Christine was more fixated with how Madeline looked right now. Her eyes were no longer making contact with Christine's now staring at a small part of her cheek as she started coloring in the heart shape, biting her lower lip in concentration.

She also smelled like some sort of fruit scented body spray. Christine couldn't make out what kind, but it smelled nice. Soon Madeline stopped and admired her work. "Perfect!"

Christine touched her hand to her face, lightly grazing against Madeline's hand as she removed it and felt her face heat up more. Thank goodness it was dark in the room. "I bet I look great, I trust you."

"I hope so, no refunds." 

"I didn't even pay you for this!"

Madeline laid back on Christine's bed. "You should, though!" she joked as Christine did the same as her and laid down. 

The two girls spent the rest of the time talking and giggling together, Christine still feeling a warm fuzzy feeling from Madeline's hand on her face. It was.. nice.

She was happy to be friends with the prettiest girl in school.

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