New Findings

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As you were walking along the grass that had beautiful flowers you stopped. You turned around to see the beautiful landscape right before your eyes.

Then you remember you cant get distracted. You were camping outside the walls to find out more on that abnormal titan with fur. You had to keep a sharp eye out for it and slay it since it could be dangerous for you all.

You then remembered as well you had to help protect this one kid "Eren Jaeger". There was only a few of you since you guys couldn't risk anymore soldiers dying and the titans sniffing you guys out. So it was you and the Levi squad. You had a pretty strong team featuring the strength and smarts.

You guys decided it would be best to camp out or set base at a place that was high enough for a good view and to be hidden. So on top of a steep hill is were you guys sat. Since the titans were learning how to climb and it would seem too obvious for you guys to camp at the forest since there's many hiding places. The steep hill would also only cause the titans to slip.

You had walked over to Armin and Mikasa who were trying to make a roof and some bedding incase it rained. You proceeded to help them, but only to be stopped by Levi.

You looked over at your arm were he grabbed it, then at him. "Levi?" you said in a concerned voice.

You knew Levi for the longest time, infact more than anyone, even Hange and Erwin. You knew almost everything about him and managed to befriend him.

You snapped back into reality when he said "We need you to be searching, they already have themselves handled" you nodded and walked away. You decided to be on look out incase any titans were trying to get near you.

You kept searching but only to find no titans. You checked one last time but still nothing. You didn't expect much so you went back to Levi. "No titans were to be found Captain".

He gave off a a curious look as he was looking around. You knew something was up so you backed up as he stood up and brought out his swords.

He then made a snarky comment saying " Really? The big giant who's feared by some of our comrades only to be a no show. You must be pathetic"

Conny tried to speak up and say something, being concerned why the captain was talking to himself but Jean stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder and only nodding a no, Conny immediately understanding why.

There was a moment of a silence, not a single thing could be heard. It was a scary silence that didn't feel right. You tried to go ahead and walk to Levi thinking what ever that was, was gone but before you can even take one full step forward its like everything went slomo.

Out from the corner of your eye you saw trees shake and out came the beast titan. You saw the titan try to make an attempt to swing at you guys and grab Eren, but missed. You almost forgot that if you can't slay the beast then you would have to get information about it. As it quickly ran past between you and Levi you noted down in your head everything you could find out about the titan.

Once the titan had left some were frozen in shock, others trying to keep a lookout and figure out where it went. Eren was the most shocked as it did try to grab him, he fell to his knees while Mikasa quickly went towards him to support him up.

Knowing that Levi would ask you what you had found out about it you rushed to him. Everyone said you had a very sharp eye you denied it only because you didn't want anyone else to know fearing that you might be wanted for your sharp eye for horrible reasons, Levi was the only one to know about this and confirm it.

You went up to him to tell him what information you could get saying "Well for starters the appearance for it. It has long arms and is pretty tall for an abnormal, it knew what you were talking about and may be controlled by a person like Eren. It has fur along its body and a monkey or beast like appearance. Second would have to be its intelligence. Its smart for sure and seems like it could use its built body for many things, and it was fast so it could catch up to us even with our ODM gear but we would manage to barley outrun it, since it isn't as fast as that female titan."

Dreams - Levi x Reader - Attack on Titan (Aot, Shingeki No Kjojin, Snk)Where stories live. Discover now