A Helpful Hand

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As Levi was walking down the hallway he noticed how filthy the windows were. So the only logical thing to do was to clean them. So he went to go get everything he needed, bringing back : a water bucket, soap, 3 rags, sponges, and a spray bottle.

He mixed some soap and water in the spray bottle and sprayed the windows. Then tied one rag around over his mouth and another one on his hair to keep it from falling in front of his face.

Off he went to clean the first window. And continue for a long time.

Halfway into cleaning the windows you finally went through the same hallway as him and saw him. You being helpful with everything around here you knew you were going to bring less stress to his shoulders and help him.

You ran away going to get some rags to tie your mouth and face like Levi. You ran back quicker since you didn't want him to do all this by himself.

Under his breath he whispered " tch, how can these brats let it get this filthy, maybe I should have them clean here."

You giggled at the comment and Levi heard you. He turned around to see you ready to clean. He blushed a little to a thought that you can be his little helper.

You went up to him and grabbed a sponge. You guys both cleaned the windows which took really long. It began to sunset but you didn't mind since all the hard work would pay off.

Once you guys were almost done you decided to cook something for Levi. Of course you couldn't do much because of how low on food was. You made him a little sweet dish knowing that he liked sweet things and has a sweet tooth.

You went back to go get Levi, and you noticed he was done and was about to head off to put all the supplies back. Wanting it to go by faster you helped carry some things and put them away. once you guys put everything back he said " Thanks for helping me, couldn't do it any faster by myself ". You closed your eyes and nodded taking this other praise to heart.

You grabbed his hand and dragged him over to what you had made him when he was about to walk off. He immediately started to get a slight blush, then a more red shade, but since you were turned around you couldn't see his face missing out on the view.

You guys finally made it and you brought him to a table that had a plate with some food on it. He looked at it curiously then back at you, you only gave him a sweet smile while he just continued to look back at it. Then finally he got a spoon and took a bite out of it with his eyes in a bit of shock. He looked back at you, " Thank you ". These words echoed through out your brain.

He gave you a spoon and you guys both enjoyed the food smiling and stuffing your guys mouths.

It was then time to clean the dishes. You stood up and took the spoons and plate along with a knife that you used to make the food. You turned on the water and got started cleaning. Levi was sitting afar but already knew you were not cleaning the dishes correctly. He stood up and loomed over next to you, this caught you in surprise but tried not to show it.

He then went behind you, you could just feel his eyes burning a hole into you but decided to ignore it. You then felt hands around your waist then up at your arms, then down to you hands. He was behind you helping you clean the dishes properly. You could feel his warm breath, and the way he smelt, he smelt sweet with a hint of soap, he was a very hygienic person.

Next thing you knew you guys had finished. You thanked him while he just advert his eyes. You guys walked together feeling like in a good mood, you then decided to hold his hand, he didn't flinch or do anything infact, he just held your hand. Although it didn't seem much you loved his comfort.

~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~
This took way too long. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this one, this one was not based on a dream. And I hope there wasn't any spelling errors, Thank you for reading!

758 words

Dreams - Levi x Reader - Attack on Titan (Aot, Shingeki No Kjojin, Snk)Where stories live. Discover now