A Drink? (Modern AU)

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You were at a bar, you were tired of your long boring job. You felt like the best way to be less tense is to go for a drink.

You had a couple shots and some beers, you were already a bit drunk. A man came by into the bar and sat next to you, he undid his tye and opened up his suit, he seemed like an interesting man so you decided to talk to him.

"Hey, you see that drink there? It's pretty good. Go ahead have as much as you want, on me." "You sure? Well, if you don't mind." "My names Levi, and you?" "Y/N."

You guys both chatted and had drank a lot. You had an idea so you bought the bottle you introduced him into.

"Say, if you catch me I'll give you this full bottle." "Go ahead and try."

You ran out the bar and proceeded to run back home, as you were almost there your hands felt empty. He ran off with the bottle and went to his house that was nearby. A lot of people gave you strange looks. You chased him there to his backyard, you grabbed the bottle but little did you know he took you down with him in his pool.

You guys splashes each other and laughed a lot, it was really fun since your always bored at your job and had nothing to do.

He got out the pool and he helped you out. You both walked inside his house and he got you a towel, he wrapped it around you and he got one for himself.

"Heh, the bottle must've shook a lot. Be careful when you open it, it might fizz." "It's fine, I'll just share the bottle with you" "huh?" "You really think I'll be able to drink all that?" "True true" "Go sit on the couch, I'll put the heater on and the TV, wouldn't want you to catch a cold." "Okay."

You went over to the couch and sat down. You saw Levi walk by and put the heater on, he put it on not too high nor too low. He sat down next to you and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Hey, you know you don't have to stay in those soaked clothes." "I'll be back I'll give you something to wear."

You watched the TV until you saw Levi come back with different pants on, but with no shirt. He was putting it on while walking to you, he handed you and outfit and pointed to where the bathroom was. You were surprised how built his body was, it had you blushing.

You changed and spent the night with Levi, getting to know him more and watching movies.

"This was fun." "Well you made it fun Y/N" "heh, I haven't had this much fun in a long time" "Maybe we can hang out more often" "That would be nice"

You fell asleep in his arms, this was comfort on another level, It was the best.

~~(Authors Note)~~
Man I hope you guys enjoyed that. And this was another chapter that had 1 of my dreams in it. It's crazy how I naturally had a dreams if him, I don't lucid dream or anything like that, also bc idk how lol. More fluff of Levi?

557 words

Dreams - Levi x Reader - Attack on Titan (Aot, Shingeki No Kjojin, Snk)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن