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You immediately woke up to a loud yell heard in the hallway of where all the scouts stayed at. This was part of being in the scouts, where your only job is to slay titans for humanity's sake. Everyday you have you wake up at 6:00 in the morning and get ready in 3 minutes, for the rest of the day you patrol on the walls, outside, or civilians needs.

You went out to try and find bread to eat as breakfast, you passed the person who awoke you all up, you gave them a glare. You walked to the kitchen and searched until you found bread.

You decided it would be a good idea to share with Levi. You searched hall after hall till you noticed he was outside the building.

"Wheres your gear?" "Oh, I guess I forgot about that" "Tch,  you always have to be prepared." "Sorry, I brought some bread though that I found in kitchen. I thought maybe you would like some" "Thank you."

You guys stood there eating your breakfast, you realized you had to get your gear. You said your goodbyes to Levi and got ready for your job.

You traveled all the way up to the walls and started to search for some dangerous abnormal titans. You found none until a scout came up onto the wall and told you that Commander Erwin would like to see Captains and their assistants to come see him right away.

You made it to the conference room as fast as you can to see other scouts waiting. You were part of the last few people who made it there. Erwin was looking around the room, counting to see if everyone was there. You took your seat next to Levi and proceeded to wait for 2 more people.

Once everyone came he immediately started, trying not to waste any time. He explained how there kept on being more and more titans surrounding the walls, now you guys have to slay a couple dozen surrounding the walls and farther outside that.

You guys all prepared to go out getting scouts, groups, horses, backup gear, signals, and backup plans.

You had to go with Ereh and Levi because of how strong you guys were, and to protect Ereh. And the people surrounding your guy's mini group were the rest of Levi squad, Reiner & Bertholt (how tf u spell his name??), Armin & Mikasa, and Hange.

You guys all stayed on top of the walls and and slayed titans there for now. Other people were getting some stuff sorted and organized. You've managed to slay 26 titans just from them surrounding the walls, the others had at least 4, but you were most impressed by Mikasa's skills having 14 titans slayed.

The time had come to travel outside of the walls. You rode on your horse and got to following the group infront. Ereh was between you and Levi, the rest were farther such as all the way in the back and sides, the levi squad was farther spread out a little but still close for emergencies.Everyone had been slaying titans, while some were being eaten and rescued.

You noticed last second an abnormal running towards your group, you were about to tell Levi until it grabbed him and started holding a tighter grasp and about to eat him.

You knew this was going to be a bit more of a tougher opponent so you had to weaken it, you began to swing up high to its jaw and slashed it both sides, unable to eat Levi. Then down to its arms, then fingertips. You managed to loosen the grip and pry open its hand, you grabbed Levi and brought him down to his horse. He managed to still continue to sit up right and use his hands to hold on. Usually when people are grabbed tightly by a titan their spine and ribcage break due to the really tight pressure, even most of the time their arms as well. You knew there were going to be bruises on him later.

He still managed to push on to slaying titans, you knew he was in so much pain. You slayed most of the titans since Levi was very drained.

Once everyone got back Erwin let everyone have the rest of their day off and 4 more days off to let everyone have complete rest. You saw Levi walk into his room and didn't bother to close the door.

You walked in on him laying on his bed,face buried into his pillow. You got cold rags, a clean outfit, bandages, and pain killers.

You came back and told Levi to sit up, he looked back at you and saw the stuff in your hands. He got up and you gave him the new clothes, he unbuttoned his shirt and got up to take off his pants, he wore the clothes you gave him and folded the dirty ones. You then folded up the sleeves to patch up the wounds and cleaned them, you proceeded to repeat the processes to the other ones.

You put everything back and cleaned up, you changed into a comfier outfit and put his clothes to wash. You came back to Levi passed out due to exhaustion, you closed the door and went next to him. You got comfy and hugged him.

He woke up but you didn't notice. He waited until you fell asleep and kissed you on the forehead, he then told you he loved you.

~~Authors Note~~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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Dreams - Levi x Reader - Attack on Titan (Aot, Shingeki No Kjojin, Snk)Where stories live. Discover now