Chapter 2 Dead Air

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Chibi A/N: Welcome back.

A/N: Hey...

Chibi A/N: You feeling ok?

A/N: Yeah... Just feeling a bit down about another book that I spent hours of my life on trying to make interesting as possible only for it to fall flat on its face.

Chibi A/N: That bad huh?

A/N: Yep...

Chibi A/N: Ah... I hate to be rude but we need to focus on a well-written plot about aliens and humans getting on in space, not a poorly written one about "anime" girls with weapons that could be tagged with "It's also a gun!".

A/N: Yeah you're right it's just disappointing to see that happen when I've sent hours of my life for what feels like nothing.

Chibi A/N: Don't worry it'll get better soon you'll see.

A/N: Yeah, but enough about my writer's depression let's get back to the story.

Shortly after your encounter with the cultists, Nihlus brought you back with him to a ship called the Normandy immediately which departed as soon as it could after you entered it leaving you not time to explain to your friends and most recent Turian acquaintance about your sudden departure which left you a bit annoyed as you sit there in the crew quarters which let your thoughts stew for a few hours as you still can't believe you just might be the very first Human Specter in the galaxies history... As well as your annoyance at being roped back into the military " This day just keeps getting longer and longer the more I think about it. " You thought as you felt the ship shift ever so slightly letting you know you had most likely arrived at your destination " Alright let's see what we've got here. " You mentally stated as you got up of the bunk bed you were sitting at before making you wake to the deck which meant you had to take a lift that thankfully was faster than the elevator's on the Citadel " How come an Alien Society can make the most advance city in the entire galaxy and not have faster elevators? " You mentally questioned yourself as you pressed a button on the side that leads to the deck and after an admittedly boring but short ride, you arrived at the deck which was fully staffed " I wonder if they know what's going on? " You thought as wived through the crew with ease and most of them didn't even know you passed them at all besides a select few that were ranked as senior officers and when you arrived at the helm you see Nihlus there overlooking the systems test which a man known as Joker who was the main pilot was currently running.

 " You mentally stated as you got up of the bunk bed you were sitting at before making you wake to the deck which meant you had to take a lift that thankfully was faster than the elevator's on the Citadel " How come an Alien Society can make the m...

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Art by Doubleleaf

Chibi A/N: Oh so Joker didn't get hit with the Rule 63 ray... Ok.

The "Ex" Commander (Male "Shepherd" Reader x Fem Mass Effect Harem.)Where stories live. Discover now