An Out of Body Experience

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^ Credit to the artist, it's pure amazingness

Gerard Way's mind was... well, semi-normal.

He wasn't some crazed lunatic who thought he knew the secrets of the universe, but he certainly had (and still has) a very strange mind.  Currently, the aforementioned man was residing in his mind, which was full of coffee, comics, and non-binary pink hamster-alien-cats.

"Lola, can I get another coffee, please?" Gerard asked, lounging on a reclining chair and flipping through an old Marvel comic.  The hamster-alien -- okay, the creature -- walked off towards a nearby Starbucks bar and returned a few moments later, carrying the requested drink. 

"Thank you, Lola," Gerard nodded, sipping the coffee.  "Ahh, perfection! My mind is a paradise!!" Suddenly, the singer got an idea.  "Heeey... I wonder if the others' minds are just as perfect? Let's find out!" Gerard hopped out of his mind--

--And opened his eyes.  He was back in reality.  Gerard searched around for the other Quartetians.  He soon found his dear brother, asleep on the couch.  Gerard smiled and tapped Mikey's forehead with a finger, instantly transporting himself into his brother's mind.

It turned out that Mikey's mind was a chaotic mess of unicorns and... WAIT.  EMOTIONS?

"Whoa!! What's going on?!" Gerard yelped, as an alicorn (unicorn with wings) swooped right in front of him.  "HI BIG BRO!" Mikey yelled, riding the horse.  The bassist steered his steed down towards Gerard, halting directly in front of him.  Mikey hopped off of the alicorn, grinning widely.  "MY MIND IS AMAZING!!!!"

"What? Little bro... you have EMOTION?" Gerard asked, incredulous.  "YES!!" Mikey shrieked, a very un-Mikey thing to do.  "I KEEP ALL OF MY EMOTIONS INSIDE MY HEAD SO THEY CONSTANTLY STACK UP AND EXPLODE INTO RAINBOWS AND UNICORNS!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" With that, the bassist rode off into the sunset -- and off in the distance, a toaster exploded.

(Need I remind you of last time this happened, somewhere in the first ET&Q book?)

The blast from the toaster explosion was so powerful that it sent Gerard flying back, and out of Mikey's head

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The blast from the toaster explosion was so powerful that it sent Gerard flying back, and out of Mikey's head.

"Oof!" Gerard grunted as he was thrown against the couch.  "Ugh, that's somewhere I NEVER want to go again... let's see how the others' minds are."

Next, Gerard walked over to MCR's room, searching for his other bandmates.  He found Frank and Ray, both conveniently asleep.  (In fact, everyone in the Quartet's home was asleep, except for Gerard.)  "Let's visit Frankie first," Gerard decided, tapping Frank on the head.

To nobody's surprise, Frank's mind was full of.... dogs.  Gerard spotted the guitarist running around, chasing after a trio of puppies.  "Frankie!!" he called.  Frank stopped running around, and was immediately tackled by more of his mind-puppies.  "Yeah, Gee?" he asked, laughing as the dogs climbed around on him.  "Of course YOUR mind has puppies," Gerard chuckled, bending down to pet a few of the critters.  "Anything else?"

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