Among Us, Part 2

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Including SIO and AJR this time! With a twist...

*Location based off the Among Us map The Skeld *

Now approaching: New Galaxy.

Pete sat up, looking around in confusion.  He blinked his eyes a few times, adjusting to the dim lighting.  Where WAS he?

Suddenly, he remembered.  The training.  The boarding.  The takeoff.  His friends -- yeah, they were there, too.  They made this whole adventure ten times better, for sure.

Speaking of his friends... where were they?

Pete hopped off of the table he had been laying on, noticing a bit of machinery around him.  Probably the stuff that had been keeping him asleep as the spaceship traveled.  He glanced around, taking in the metal walls and pipes, the grate-covered floor, and the blinking lights that signaled who-knew-what.

"Hello? HellOOO?"

"Marco!" a voice shouted out randomly.  It came from down the hall, and Pete recognized it.  "Polo!" he called back, then added, "Tyler? Is that you!"

"It sure is! Pete?" Tyler checked.  He came into view a second later, and Pete took in his friend's magenta colored spacesuit and familiar brown hair.  For some reason, each of them had been assigned a color (but there's too many to list here so I'll explain them as it goes on).

"Hey," Pete greeted him.

"Purple, huh?" Tyler asked; clearly he had been admiring Pete's features as well.  "Like Mania?"

"Oh! I didn't realize that! That's a funny coincidence!" Pete grinned.  "And you're pink, like Scaled and Icy.  Kind of?"

"Josh is white, so not really," Tyler admitted.  "I wonder what the colors are for, though? Why didn't we ALL get normal white spacesuits?"

"I'm not sure," Pete said.  "Hey, do you want to find the others?"

"If that's a none-too-subtly disguised order to go find the others, then sure," Tyler joked.  Then, he added, "Let's meet up in the cafeteria." before walking off back the way he came.  Pete turned and headed in the opposite direction, hoping to find someone.

*Timeskip because I don't want to write them rounding up everyone or even just a few people*

Eventually, everyone had been gathered up, and as Tyler suggested, were now standing around in the cafeteria. 

"Whoa, is this a party or what?" Joe asked, staring around at the others' colorful spacesuits.  He himself was dressed in an olive green suit.

"It's my kind of party," Zach -- pale yellow -- joked.  "A bunch of guys wearing colorful spacesuits."

"Wait, what's this?" Patrick -- cyan -- asked, picking up a slip of laminated paper on the large table in the middle of cafeteria.  "'Tasks'... swipe card, start reactor, clean vent... what the heck?"

"Guess we have to take care of the ship," Jack -- pale pink -- said.  "Why didn't they tell us this earlier?"

"Maybe they forgot?" Gerard -- yellow -- shrugged.  "There's several papers... let's each take one and see what we have to do."

"Hey, they're different per page," Pete said.  "Guess we've all got different stuff to do."

With that, the group split up.


However, two people were left behind -- Cody and Brendon.

"Wait, there's not enough papers for all of us?" Brendon, who was wearing a black spacesuit, asked.  "Maybe one of the others took two?"

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