Dealing With A Karen/Bratty Woman

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TW(?): Homophobic and slightly misogynistic comments

Unless specified, assume that they all deal with the same Karen (and her nice son).


Gerard: *shopping in the women's section of a store, buying a feather boa*

Karen: *walks by with her nine-year-old son* *sees Gerard* Excuse me, miss, but... why are you wearing jeans? Women should wear skirts!

Gerard: Uhh... ma'am, I'm male?

Karen: What?! Why are you in the women's section, then?!

Gerard: Because I wanted a feather boa...?

Karen: Men don't wear feather boas! You must be one of those GAYS!

Gerard: Well... I... *he pauses to consider his interests* I don't exactly like men, but I have kissed them before... great.  *grins in embarrassment* Now I'm confused.

Karen: UGH! You are so gross!

Gerard: *frowns* Miss, you aren't setting a good influence for you son, there.

Karen: YOU aren't setting a good influence!

Gerard: *sigh* If you don't like what I'm doing, you can just walk away.

Karen: I have a right to be here!

Gerard: As do I.  I can shop in whatever section I want.

Karen: UGH! I'm getting the manager!

Gerard: Go ahead.  I'm not doing anything wrong.

*Karen goes to get the manager.  A few minutes later, she returns with him.*

Manager: What is the problem, Miss?

Karen: I told you, this man is buying a feather boa!

Manager: And?

Karen: This is the women's section! He shouldn't be here!

Manager: Ma'am, he has a right to shop here.  Besides, you're being subtly homophobic by suggesting that men can't crossdress.  Seeing as that is one of our rules -- "No Discrimination" -- I'm going to have to ask you to leave if you won't leave him alone.

Karen: Fine! I'm going to give you a negative review!

Manager: Go ahead.  It won't make a difference -- many people love our store.

Karen: C'mon, Zachary.  *drags her son away*

Gerard: *picks out a red feather boa* Ah, perfect! Red like my hair.  *tries it on*

Manager: I'm sorry about that, sir.  Would you like a discount? By the way, nice hair.

Gerard: Oh, uh, sure! Thank you, for both the discount and the compliment.

Manager: You're welcome!

Mikey (plus Patrick and Pete)

Mikey: Thanks for taking me out to dinner, Pete.  You really didn't have to.

Patrick: Agreed.

Pete: No, I insist! My treat.  Just like old times...

Mikey: Haha, yeah.  This is familiar.

Patrick: Great, I forgot that you two used to date.  Am I... ruining something?

Pete: Of course not, 'Trick! You're making it even better, in fact.

Patrick: *smiles* Thanks, Pete- OH NO YOU DON'T!

Pete: *laughs*

Mikey: More like NO thanks, Pete.

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