Beebo and the Underrateds

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"I'm Patrick Stump--"

"And I'm Pete Wentz--"

"And we're Fall Out Boy!" With that, the interview concluded.  As the cameras stopped rolling, Joe turned to face Pete and Patrick accusingly.  "Hey, we're in the band too, y'know!"

"Yeah, yeah, we know," Pete replied nonchalantly.  "Andy Burly and Hoe Joeman."

"You don't even remember our names!?!?" Joe cried angrily.  

Pete thought for a moment.  "Not really," he confessed after a second.

"UGHHH!!" Joe shouted, standing up.  He made to leave through the door, but turned back to face Andy.  "You coming?"

"Oh.  Sure," Andy shrugged and nodded.  With that, the drummer and guitarist were gone.

"PEEETE!" Patrick turned on his friend.  "Why did you say that? Joe and Andy seemed really hurt!"

"Ohh, THAT'S their names," Pete said, earning a punch on the arm.  "Ow! What?"


"So, do we have everything?" Gerard asked the other MCR members.

"Think so!" Frank replied.  "Guitars, mics, amps... and all of our members!" He began to count heads.  "One, two, three! All here!"

"What about--" Mikey started, but Gerard cut him off unknowingly.  "Great! Let's get up and go!"

"But Ray..." Mikey glanced back at the men's restroom, where Ray was.  Whatever.  I guess we can just, I dunno, call him later?

With that, Frank, Gerard, and Mikey left the rest stop, leaving their fro-ed guitarist all alone.

After a few minutes, Ray exited the restroom.  Huh? The others were just here, waiting.  Maybe they went outside for some fresh air? Ray exited the rest stop, searching around.  "Gerard? Frank? Mikey? Helloooo?" Silence.  Disappointed and a little worried, Ray pulled out his phone and dialed Mikey.  Of course, it went to voicemail.  Here's what Ray heard:

"You have reached Mikey Way the idiotic.  Please leave a message after the--"


"No! I wanna prank Ray!!! HAHAHA!!!"

"Is this even voicemail?" Ray asked.

"Yep! This is 100% legit the voicemail.  Leave a message after the BEEEP!"







"ARRRGH!!" Frustrated by his bandmates useless bickering, Ray hung up.  Well, I guess for now, I walk a lonely road.  Ray began to travel down the road, hoping to reach the nearby town before dark.

I took a teeny bit of inspiration from "The Day We Forgot the Guitarist" by epichorn31 for that bit. Credit goes to her! :)

"We need to find a new band," Joe growled, pacing around outside.

"We could restart The Damned Things?" Andy suggested.

"Nah.  Why not let it just be you and me? Trohley's Epic Rockforce or something," Joe grinned.

"Cool name," Andy agreed.  "Why not."

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