Chapter 14 - "I Could Recognise You Anywhere"

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Professor Slughorn was in his office when Rose knocked on the door.

"Come in, come in," he beamed at her as she sat down across from him at his desk.

"Now, Miss Evans. As I'm sure you're aware, this meeting is to identify what area of work you might like to go into once you leave Hogwarts. Before we have a look at your grades, do you have any idea of what career you would like to pursue?"

"Well I like Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts. I would say they're my best subjects, Potions too actually."

Slughorn smiled at that, although it wasn't particularly special since he was always smiling, Rose thought.

"And with everything happening at the moment I was thinking perhaps an auror."

Slughorn's face stretched almost comically with his surprise. "Well by the looks of it you're certainly on track if that is what you wish. It seems you have top grades, Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations on all of your subjects. Of course, to become an auror you'll need five N.E.W.Ts in complex subjects at Exceeds Expectations or higher, but I have no doubts you can achieve that." He peered closer to the sheet of parchment before him.

"You were a little behind in Transfiguration until recently, but Professor McGonagall has noted here that you're now entirely caught up." He put the parchment down and smiled at her again.

"Now I hope you know, Miss Evans, that becoming an auror is a very, very tough career path. One that, from your work ethic I'm sure you could do well in, but I would also advise you to consider other options. There are many jobs out there that you may have not even heard of. And besides, us Slytherins are often suited to jobs in politics, or even teaching," he winked conspiratorially.

Rose nodded, a bland smile on her face. "Thank you Professor. I'll be sure to do some research."

With that, the meeting was over and Rose gladly left the room. Slughorn was a good teacher, but she had always found his overenthusiasm, and the way he 'collected' students, irritating at the least - not only because he had never invited her to his 'Slug Club,' but also because Lily was a member.

In all honesty, it was mainly the second point that annoyed her. Rose had never had any particular desire to be a part of the club, although she had heard that Slughorn's Christmas parties were a thing of wonder.

In fact, the only parties she had heard of that rivalled it were those the Marauders threw. Usually in the Room of Requirement, and generally for birthdays, the parties were infrequent, but when they did come around they were the events of the season. Everybody wanted to attend but the parties were exclusive to fifth years and over, and Slytherins and others the Marauders didn't get on with were banned.

That wouldn't stop Rose this time.

There was a party to be held on the twentieth of March, as a joint birthday celebration for Remus, whose birthday was on the tenth, and for James, whose birthday was on the twenty-seventh, and Rose, Tina, Matthew and Regulus were determined to crash it. They wouldn't do anything harmful of course, but it would certainly be fun to prank the self-proclaimed 'Best Pranksters Hogwarts Has Ever Seen.'


Remus's birthday passed. Rose sent him a large package of Cadburys Dairy Milk chocolate, as well as a muggle romance novel that she thought he might find amusing.

While Alicia wouldn't be coming with the four fifth years, she was an invaluable source of ideas for their prank, and in the days before the party it had been rigorously planned and perfected.

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