Chapter 1

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Language : English
Place : Sydney, Australia

¡med chpt - 711 words!

<☀️ :: 7 am Monday>


Felix's alarm went off disturbing his sleep. He hit his clock repeatedly and softly on the top until it turned off. He flipped the blankets off of him and swung his feet off the side of the bed stretching. He grabbed clothes and went to the washroom to shower. After dried off with a towel he got pressed, putting on his clothes. Blacked ripped jeans and a pink hoodie over a black tee. He went downstairs to get breakfast.

"Good morning, Felix! How did you sleep?" his mom sat a plate of pancakes in front of him as he sat down

"Good, thank you" he ate sort of tired

"You don't excited about it being you're first day back" she sat down across from him eating her plate

"I'm just excited that it's my last year in school"

"College" his mom raised her brow. She had high expectations in him and raised him to fill them. He never felt pressured, he was raised like it from the start so Straight A's and exams was super easy to him (a/n bro I WISH)

"College gives me more free time then high-school" (a/n I'm a hs kid idrk I'm going off TV assumptions) After that he put the last bite if food in his mouth. He rinsed his plate off in the sink and went to put his shoes on grabbing his bag "Bye Mom"

"Have a good day honey" she called out closing the door behind him as he left to school.

<🐺 :: 7:45 am Monday :: S3x Ed>

Chan was already in class getting ready to start the day, he was nervous since it was his first day teaching ever, fresh out of university. He opened the door greeting all the students that entered, there was a lot. Not many students looked the same but he could tell who was friends with who by where they sat, one blonde boy sitting alone but chatting with a few others. He assumed he just had no friends in this class but wasn't new.


"Attention please!" He spoke cheerful wanting to start the day off right "I'm Mr.Bang I'm new this year please don't be difficult, I'll be your guys Sex Ed and Government teacher." he was quite embarrassed, who wanted to start the day teaching Sex shit to a bunch of teenagers at 8 AM, he didn't, the students were just glad they had a hot ass teacher.

"Today should be easy going over basic rules then we'll start lessons, just going over basic body parts and going over the basic of how sex works. You should know already and if you don't my god I do not wanna be the first to talk with you about it." kids laughed

He went over the rules, and it went kinda quick, just be respectful and keep you're phone mute not hard. He started the lesson and now and then there was murmuring kids, all about how fucking hot Chan is I mean- sorry-..,,,,,..,.,

"Just because I don't want to I'm gonna ask one if you guys to explain sex, you can do it in 3 words as long as you get the point" some kids explained it in the dumbest ways they could to make others laugh or be annoying, Chan found it entertaining.


The whole class he couldn't focus, so many whispers over the teacher. He got quite embarrassed since everyone know how things worked and Felix was the only one who wasn't, well he did, but not gay s3x.


"If you have any questions come ask me now!" Mr.Bang called out while wiping the board.

People got up quickly taking double glances on their way out, Felix wasn't quick nor slow, he had a question.

"Mr.Bang!" He walked up to him, Felix never kept from asking questions

"Yes Felix?" he turned around, he recognized everyone's names already.

"How does gay sex work?"

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