Chapter 1

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It's my first day at the bau I am so scared but extremely excited for this new chapter of my life to open up. As I am pulling up to the bau I started to freak out because I didn't know if I was going to make a good impression.

Hotch POV
Every one Confronts room now. We have a new agent coming in today. I want you all to be on your best behavior please.

Emily POV
I really don't know why we need a new agent but whatever...... Hotch why do we need a new agent don't we have enough agents.

Hotch POV
Yes Emily we have enough agents but we found out that we can fund another agent so we are going to. We need all the help we can get because files just keep pilling up. So if you have a problem with me getting a new agent keep it to your self.

I am going into the bau now I calmed down but I am still nervous but here goes nothing. As I walk in the door Aron hotchner greets me at the door.

Hotch POV
Hello y/n would you like me to show you around first or would you like to meet the team first ?

Ummm if it's ok I would like to meet the team first sir.

Garcia POV
Ok my friends I have dug up some information on the new agent y/n there's not a lot to fine on her but, this is what I could find.. Garcia that is a invasion of y/n's privacy said Rossi.  whatever Rossi I am not going to let a stranger come in and work with my family without making shore that you all will be safe. Baby girl we will be fine said Morgan.

Emily POV
What did you find p.g I want to know. Em why do you want to know about her for said jj. I just do ok don't you all think it is weird that we already have 7 agents but out of no where because I think it's pretty weird. Well statistically a group of FBI agents can have up to 10 agents if they have enough funding said Reid. Wow look at you go pretty boy said Morgan. Well I still think it is Weird that we randomly got enough funding to hire a new agent. Guys shut up hotch and y/n are on their way up here said Rossi.

I'm about to meet the team so here goes nothing.

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