Chapter 4

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That case was not that bad for my first case at the bau. The killer was her boyfriend James stabler. But now we are all heading to the jet. I kinda want to start over with Emily she actually seems nice, I hope that she is as forgiving as me.

Emily POV
We are all on the jet Reid took the couch, Morgan,Rossi,JJ,and Hotch took the four seat table. The only table left is with y/n but I know I don't have another choice so I hope this doesn't suck. I put my bag up and went and sat down with y/n.

Emily sat down with me and I figured this is a perfect time to talk to her. Umm Emily. What said Emily annoyed. I would just like to say sorry for how things started between us I was kinda a asshole to you. So if it's ok with you I think we should start over  please. No I was a ass I should not have assumed that you were a trust fund daddy's girl because so far all you have proven me wrong said Emily. Good that's what I was trying to do (laughing). Well you succeed (smiling).

Hotch POV
I have been watching y/n and Emily from across the jet I knew putting them together for a while they would start to get along or I hoped but it worked so I am so glad because, I can't have there issues around my team.

Emily POV
Me and y/n fell asleep on the jet. When we landed everybody was getting the stuff so I decided to wake up y/n because nobody else would they were all leaving, by the time me and y/n got all of our stuff together everybody else is gone. Then I realized y/n was calling somebody and I realized that the only car there was mine. Hey y/n who are you calling. Oh I was just calling a cab Morgan drove me here because, he wanted to make sure I got here safely said y/n. Hey if you want I could drive you home or to the bau so you can get your car. Really oh my god you're a lifesaver thank you so much said y/n. Yep no problem hop in.

The drive to the bau from the jet is about 30 minutes long, but it felt longer than that just sitting with Emily it is so quiet. Um so Emily how long have you worked at the bau for? Um I think it's been almost 3 years said Emily. That's cool. We finally arrived at the bau I got out and got into my car and I told Emily thank you four driving me and I told her to have a good night. Good night said Emily. As I was driving home I couldn't help but to keep thinking about Emily's smile. She is beautiful but as a friend.

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