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Hey! It's been a while since I've said anything on here lol.I'm not sure if anyone likes it so if you see this please let me know if i should continue it.The story is sorta bad but it's the first one i have ever made.If you want you could check out my others! But let me know if i should continue and message me or comment with any ideas you have.If you want me to continue i will but sorry if it's takes a bit of time i have been going through some things with my mental health but i will for sure make more if you'd like me to.

Hope you are having an amazing day/night and remember i love you and so do other people in your life even if you think they don't trust me they do!

I you ever need someone to talk to feel free to message me or comment i'm on here like every day haha.

Also thank you for the views i know it doesn't seem like a lot but i didn't actually expect that many people to read this so thank you so much!

Love you!! :)

I have been getting a lot of views on here so i will be continuing this story soon i have been struggling with my mental health but there will be more soon don't worry

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