🔫|Please don't go...|⛓(F.H)

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TW: Death, blood, crying, and screaming.

"Five, let me help you-"

"Don't you understand! I don't need you! You haven't done anything for me! You just get in the way. All. The. Time. Just get out!" I was taken back by what he said. I was hurt. Me and Five have been together since after he came back from the apocalypse. Our relation ship was healthy, but it did have it's hiccups. This was a pretty big hiccup... I felt the tiers forming in my eyes when I realized he wasn't kidding. "I'm going to get coffee..." As soon as he said that, there was a flash of blue and he was gone.

I fell to my knees and sobbed my eyes out. I screamed from the pain in my heart. I knew when he would get upset he would say things he didn't mean, but this time, something seemed different. 

I didn't realize how loud I was being until footsteps were coming closer to Five's door. 

"Y/n! Y/n, are you okay?!" The door flew open reveling Klaus and Diego. After they saw my state on the ground, the rushed as fast as they could to me.

"Y/n, hey, it's okay." Diego spoke to me softly.

"What happened, N/n?" Klaus picked me up from the floor and cradled me in his arms.

"H-He told m-me that I w-was annoying a-and w-ould always g-et i-in th-the way. H-He said that I-I haven't do-ne a-nything f-for hi-him." I sobbed the hardest I have ever sobbed in my life into Klaus' chest.

"That son of a bitch!" Diego yelled. He grabbed me by my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes.

"Where did he go..." 

"G-Griddy's..." I tried my best to whip my tiers with my uniform sleeve, only for the tiers to be replaced with new ones. 

"Okay... I am going to find this bastard and I am going to beat the living shit out of him, alright?" He earned a small giggle from me as I nodded slightly.

"Just don't hurt him, okay..." 

"I don't make any promises." He shook his head and laughed as he got up and made his way out of the room.

"Y/n, look at me..." Klaus propped me up in front of him, but I avoided his gaze as more tiers spilled out of my eyes. "Young lady, look at me." I still denied. "Y/n M/n L/n, look at me right now!" He yelled. My head shot up from my lap in surprise. "You do not need no man! You are a strong independent young lady! Do you hear me!" I nodded and giggled at his statement. "Good! Now le-" Klaus was cut off by the loud noise of gun shots from the front door.

Five's Pov

I was sipping my coffee at Griddy's, thinking about what just happened. Shit... I really messed up. She was just trying to help and I was being a complete asshole. Ugh, I'm so stupid... My thoughts were cut off from a strong pair of arms that rapped around my waist. They yanked me off of my chair and dragged me outside.

"Who the fuck are y- oh, it's you. What do you want?"

"What do I want? What do I want?! I want you to march your ass back to the academy and say sorry to your girlfriend that I found sobbing on the floor! There was practically puddles under her! She told me everything! You're such a little shit head!" Diego yelled at me and I felt my face pale. I filled with guilt from his words. 


"Yeah, shit. Now get your ass back home and tell her sorry!" I take his arm and we spatial jump back to the academy. What I saw was horrifying. The academy was trashed. Windows were smashed, walls had bullet holes in them, there were some blood splattered on the wall.

"Ohly shit! What the hell happened!" Diego yelled but I didn't care. The only thing on my mind right now was Y/n. I panicked.

"Anyone?!" There was running from the kitchen and out came Vanya, Allison, Luther, Klaus, and Ben.

"What in the fuck just happened?!"

"Hazel and Cha Cha shot up the house and-"

"Where is Y/n! Tell me! Where is she!" They glanced between each other and they slowly shrugged. "What do you mean you don't know! She is the love of my life! How could you not know!" I screamed.

"Five, we are looking for her right now! You need to calm down. She is going to be fine."

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down." Soon enough everyone split to look for her. So far I haven't had any luck until I heard someone screaming.

"No! Y/n! No, no, no,!" I heard them yell. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach to the sound of Allison screaming. I ran as fast as I could to see all of my siblings surrounding a pile of blood. I pushed through them to see my worst nightmare...

"No, no, no, no, no! Please, no! Stay with me, stay with me!" I screamed. I couldn't help but sob at the sight. Her eyes fluttered open as I held the wound on her stomach. "Y/n! Keep your eyes open! You are going to be okay! Hey, no don't close them please!" I hug her limp body as she used strength to lift her hand to my hair. 

Y/n's Pov

Five sobbed into my chest as I used all my strength to run my fingers through his hair, which I knew would be the last time. 

"F-Five..." My eyes felt heavy as he pulled away to look at me. "I'm tired... I wanna sleep..." 

"No! No, Love you can't sleep! Please don't sleep... Diego get mom! Why are you just standing there get her now!" He ran out of the room as fast as he could.

"F-Five? I'm not g-going to m-make it..." I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier as I lift my headed to see blood soking through the wood of the living room.

"No! Don't say that! You are going to be okay!" 

"Five? C-Can I k-kiss yo-u" Without hesitation he smashed his lips into mine. We disconnected and I made the decision it's time to go. My eyes start fluttering closed.

"Y/n! No! Keep your beautiful eyes open! Please don't you dare close them! Where is Diego!" He sobbed.

"Five... I-I lo-ve y-ou..." After those words, everything turned dark.

Five's Pov

"I-I lo-ov y-ou" Just like that she was gone.

"No! No, no, no! I love you too! I didn't mean what I said! I didn't mean what I said earlier! I promise! Come back! Please! I don't understand! Why?! Please don't go..."

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