{got7} jackson - saranghaeyo

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" Please ?.. " You whined .

" No Jagi , not again please , " Jackson sighed .

The last place he wanted to go was to the cinema , yet you are here begging here for another movie date again . It was like a daily routine , going to the cinema almost everyday . You loved it while he probably is sick and tired of the same old place .

" Amusement park ? " He exclaimed .

" What ?.. No ! " You pouted and whined even more .

Suddenly , a smirk came across his face as he replied , " Fine , cinema's it . "

You grinned widely as you followed him out of the door and to the garage .


Jackson focused on the driving while you sat beside him , focusing on your phone .

Whenever it comes to picking a movie to watch , you would always pick a total different genre from the ones he likes .

Thats why you always called the shots when it comes to watching a movie . Just act cute and whine and he would give in .

You would pick cartoon ones , no doubt .

While you continued to scroll through the list of interesting movies , Jackson chuckled softly .

" What ? " You asked , eyes not leaving your phone .

Another chuckle was earned from him .

You then looked up and raised your eyebrow .

Oh god , no ..

" Jackson Wang ! " You growled in frustration .

" Sorry Jagiya , i had too . " He half smiled .

You scoffed and eye rolled at him , looking out of the window .

Screams and laughters were heard as you lowered the window down .

Then you caught a glimpse of the scary looking roller coaster going at full speed .

You gasped softly as you turned to look back at Jackson .

" J-jackson ? Where di- " You were then cut off by him suddenly standing beside you .

" I am here . Let's go ! " He exclaimed as he took your hand and helped you out of the car before slamming the door shut .

" Oh my god , not the amusement park .. " You mumbled as you avoided looking at the thrilling rides and haunted houses .


Your eyes widened as Jackson pointed over to the horribly designed haunted house .

Although the decorations on the haunted house were terribly designed , it still gave you the chills and you felt very terrified .

Roller coasters and 3D rides were way better than this . Somehow Jackson managed to persuade you into riding the roller coasters , or should I say tricking you into it .

Every time , he would either furrow his eyebrows to trick you into thinking he's mad or he would say , " Last one , promise " .

And then you would gave in unwillingly , earning a cute smile from him.

But it was never the last one .

As you bit your lower lip nervously , Jackson nudged you with his elbow .

" Com' on . " He said as he gently pulled you along by your tiny wrist , careful not to hurt his favourite person in the world .

Both of you stopped outside the haunted house as you pursed your lips nervously . Muffled screams were heard through the walls as you started imagining stuffs that could be happening in there .

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