{winner} mino - sorry

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[Angst with happy ending]

Hours became days , days became weeks .

It was the same every night , with him coming home around midnight , throwing his backpack on the floor frustratedly after a long day at practice . Even though sometimes you made eye contact with him , it at most only lasted less than 3 seconds.

The two of you would barely speak a word , no matter how much you wanted to talk to him . You hated it , knowing that he was being more distant to you now . You never knew what's on his mind , what's he's thinking about and you felt dumb , you thought you knew everything about him but you didn't .

Sometimes you tried starting a conversation with him , but you always hesitated , thinking that he wouldn't bother to answer you . Even a simple greeting like " Hi " or " Hello " wasn't a routine between the both of you . You never thought a simple two lettered word would be so difficult to say .

Suddenly , the door creaked open and the dark room was soon lit up with a little light from coming from outside the bedroom Mino and you shared . You knew he was home . Although you had your back facing him , you could clearly tell what was happening .

Tiptoeing gingerly as he did not want to wake you up , he slowly covered your body up with the blanket . You smiled softly as you continued to close your eyes , but your smile soon faded as you felt his pillow being lifted up .

You were then left in the darkness again as the door shut . Just like every other day , you were once again alone in the room .

You got it , you finally did . He did not love you anymore . He did not even want to sleep with you . You kept telling yourself that it would be fine the day after , although you know it wouldn't .

You pursed your lips as you began to hit yourself . Harder and harder each time . It hurt you both physically and emotional . You never thought that you were so useless and that nobody wanted you . You thought Mino loved you .

You continued to hit yourself repeatedly and you soon realized that you had started sobbing . The bruises and cuts you gave yourself were obviously stinging , It hurt so badly . But it didn't hurt as much as your heart did .


As you thought about it carefully in your mind , you finally came to a decision .

" Ok , i'm going to bake , only then would we most likely start a conversation . "

You thought to yourself as you stood up from the kitchen's stool , starting to browse through the thick cookbook .

You knew Mino loved peanut butter cookies . He always did . Especially those you made for him during the happier days. You swiftly grabbed all the ingredients needed and began to mix and bake the cookies while eyeing the instructions on the cookbook .


You sighed with relief and wiped off your sweat on your forehead with the sleeve of your clothes .

Breathing in the aroma of the freshly baked cookies , you took the spare time you had to decorate the cookies with some pink strawberry icing . Writing " I Love You " would be easy for most couples but you couldn't help yourself to . Instead , you settled on with tiny little hearts .

The door knob twisted . He's back .

Biting on your bottom lip , you breathed in deeply , trying to calm yourself down . You felt nervous , nervous to talk to him .

You forced a sincere smile onto your lips as you picked up the glass plate filled with cookies .

" H-hey . " You stammered .

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