New Town...

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*****ONE YEAR LATER******
I opened my car door and looked at the house. It was way to big for one person. I sighed. Oh well. I suppose it would have todo for now.

I usually stayed in an apartment. But whatever. Doesn't matter. As long as I get done what I need to get done. I went to my trunk and pulled out my two bags. One a back pack and the other was a duffle bag.

I breathed in the air. I could smell them. Werewolves. Why did the house have to be in the woods? My wolf instincts were telling me to get inside. So as usually I followed them.

Not two minutes after I got into my house did a knock come at my door. Time for my Oscar winning acting! I placed a shy smile on my face and opened the door. In front of me stood a young couple, late twenties maybe early thirties. Both were slightly taller than me.


I smiled shyly as I practiced for years. The man smiled back and to woman gave me a small wave.

"Hi..." I said sheepishly.

"Hello, we are looking for your parents," he replied.

I looked down pretending to be in pain.

" parents are dead..." I replied with a choked tone. It was so much fun playing with their emotions.

"Oh...," said the male.

"We're sorry, we meant we would like to see your guardian," said the woman trying to sooth my pain.

I looked up blinking away the fake tears, " I don't have one here. You see my grandparents take care of me, and well...its a long story, but I live on my own..."

"Ah," replied the woman she smiled at me.

She put her hand out, "My name is Carrie, and this is my husband, Nate."

I took her hand gently and she gave me another warm smile and the I shook Nate's hand.

"Um...would you like to come in?" I asked quietly as I opened the door wider.

"Why, thank you," she came in and Nate along side her.

"So, did you just get here?" Nate asked.

I nodded, "I'm sorry but I don't have that much furniture, so I hope you can make yourselves comfortable with my limited...well...couch..."

They laughed together as I led them to my living room.

"I'm afraid I arrived a few minutes before you did, so I have nothing to offer you..." I said and forced a blush. I hated acting submissive. It annoyed me to no end. These werewolves were no threat to me. I could kill them both easily...but i must be patient...

"Oh, we did not mean to intrude," said Carrie.

"Its fine, are you my neighbors?" I asked.

She nodded, "You know, since your new...we can throw a party for you. A sorta welcome to Wetherton Town."

I smiled, "Thats to much, I've only just met you..." I hated social events, unless its a rave...or somewhere dark...

"Of course not!" replied Nate.
"Thank you..." I said quietly.

"How old are you, Im sorry i didn't catch you name," she was being a bit nosey. I did not like it...

"Oh, my name is Rose and I am 17," i forced another smile.

"Oh! Good!" She looked me up and down as Nate put a hand to his forehead, "Your the age of my nephew!"


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