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Rose POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling hungry and like I needed a bath. I got up and looked at the clock. 4 o'clock. I went to the bathroom, quickly took a shower, and grabbed the sink and felt my face change. The bones cracked as they fell into my real face. My eyes changed back to the usual brown and my cheek bones were set. The pain subsided before I could scream. I looked at the clock, 4:30. I didn't want to run into Jack, so I changed, ate a breakfast bar, and got to my bike.

I drove out of my drive way and felt the motor roar underneath me. I couldn't help but smile. I still had time to kill before school started, so I decided to go for a joy ride. I drove off the rode an on to a forest trail that led on to a mountain. I knew I was going on to pack territory, but I wanted to rile them up a bit.

Not two minutes after I entered did I hear growling. I chuckled to myself. My, how they are easily angered. I kept driving and driving, until I got to a cliff. I looked out over the trees. The view was beautiful. I looked at my phone, 5:30. I sat back for a minute looking the land. My parents' pack had much larger territory. I expelled the thought from my mind immediately. Time to go to school.


Jack's POV:

I was looking at the sky during my morning walk, when I heard someone running towards me. Amber burst through the brush. She looked pissed and about to rip someone's head off.

"Jack," she panted at me.

"Amber?" I smiled.

"Someone's on our territory," she burst out.

"WHAT?" I shouted.

"C'mon, I'll show you," she insisted. She turned and took off running in the direction she came. I followed quickly by her side.

"Who is it?" I growled.

"Dunno," she replied, "We know it's a she and that she's fast. She's on a black speed motorcycle. We think she's human but she was going too fast to tell, plus I came straight here after seeing her. I was the first to see her, and I didn't stay to catch a scent. I came right to you."

I nodded, was she trying to be a kiss up? Suddenly I heard the sound of engine coming in our direction. Amber looked at me for command. I shoved her to the ground and dropped low. The speed bike passed by us quickly.

I looked down, Amber was underneath me and she looked like she was enjoying it. She moved closer to me trying to look attractive and submissive. Was she trying to seduce me? Then I heard some of my pack coming in my direction. I pushed up off the ground and away from Amber. She got up and stood next to me, leaning close.

I was about to growl at her when Chris and a few others burst through the trees.

He was out of breath, "That's a very fast," he breathed in, "speed bike, is it even legal?"

I chuckled.

"She didn't do anything. I followed her and she was just looking," said Noah, one of the many under Chris' command.

"Human?" I asked.

He nodded, "Definitely just a human."

"Looking?" I questioned confused.

"Yeah, she was just looking. She drove to the top of the mountain and looked out at the view and then drove back down...and then we found you two," he tried very hard not to insinuate anything, but it was obvious they all saw Amber and me.

I groaned inwardly.

"We can figure this out later, but school starts soon and I have to pick up Rose," I said and turned to get ready for school. They all followed behind me.

"Who's Rose?" asked Noah.

"The hot one," replied Chris.

"You mean the new girl with the nice rack, and her ass!" said Lucas, the other wolf with them.

"Yeah! That one!" he continued.

"She's a whore," interjected Amber.

"Amber, you're a whore," they all replied in unison and then laughed.

"Please!" she scoffed, "She's very rude and has no style! Plus she's a submissive bitch! I bet if anyone asked she would open her legs for them!"

"You're just jealous because she has a better ass and rack," countered Chris. I couldn't say it aloud but silently agree.

"True!" howled Noah and Lucas.

Amber rolled her eyes, "Not true, besides at least I'm a werewolf!"

Lucas snorted, "She's still hotter and sexier. I bet her body is beautiful! Do you think she swims?"

We got to my house, which was in the middle of pack territory.

"Be quiet all of you," I barked. They all looked at me. They shut up finally.

"Get to school, I don't want to hear any of you talk bad about her," I glared at Amber, "Clear?"

Amber nodded and stomped away. I ran a hand through my hair and got in my car. I still smelled good; hopefully Rose has forgiven me by now. I got in my car and started to drive to her house.


Rose POV:

I heard them following me for a short while, and then they stopped. They probably realized I was not a threat. I wanted to laugh; I bet that they were scrambling trying to figure out who I was. Enough fun for one day.

I had to stop by my house to pick up my back pack. I threw it on my back and hopped on my black beauty. I was on the road out of my neighborhood, which is extremely large. Houses must have been two or three miles apart. I hit the gas and jerked forward flying way past the speed limit. I saw a red Mercedes coming down the left side of the road. Jack. I smiled under my helmet, he was going to be shocked, and no way in hell was he going to catch up.

I made my bike go faster and zoomed right by him. He did a double take and swerved his Mercedes around to follow me. I laughed and raced even faster. I was already on the highway while he was still trying to figure out what the name of hell's bells was going on.

Ten minutes later I made it to school and parked in one of the motorcycle parking spots. I got off my bike and pulled off my helmet. Everyone was staring at me. I guess news of the intruder spread like wild fire. That girl at my locker form yesterday was gawking at me with her little group of sluts. I walked up the stairs to go into school when I heard Jack pull up. I was already inside the building before he could even get out.

I went to my locker and put my helmet away as people in the hallway continued to stare. Well, today should be interesting.



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